
2023年6月25日13:19:344月你好发朋友圈句子英语已关闭评论 4

1、April, Hello, endure until the spring flowers bloom, and the world is gentle.四月,你好,忍到春暖花开,世界温柔以待。

1、April, Hello, endure until the spring flowers bloom, and the world is gentle.四月,你好,忍到春暖花开,世界温柔以待。

2、New January, new day, new beginning, hello April! April, come on! Stand up!新的一月,新的一天,新的开始,四月您好!四月加油!雄起!

3、Time is not up, qualification is not enough, continue to work hard in April!时间未到,资格未足,四月继续努力加油!

4、Goodbye March, hello April. From this moment on, don't lose time.再见三月,你好四月。从此刻起,莫负时光。

5、In April, we should work harder, for the life we want, for the smoke and fire in the world.四月要更加努力呀,为了想要的生活,为了人间的烟与火。

6、Do not read the past, do not fear the future. So, March, goodbye; Hello, April.不念过去,不畏将来。所以,三月,再见;四月,你好。

7、Life, not long or short, is just enough to have a good look at the world. See you in March.生命,不长不短,刚好够用来好好看看这个世界。三月再见。

8、See you in March, and we will be better in April! Look forward to every day with you in the future!三月再见,四月的我们会更好!期待以后和你在一起的每一天!

9、I hope everything goes well this month!希望这月一切顺利!

10、Facing a bright future is better than facing a cruel present. Goodbye, March, April hello.面对美好的未来不如面对残酷的现在。再见三月,四月你好。

11、See you in March and hello in April. May all the beauties meet unexpectedly!三月再见,四月你好,愿所有的美好,都不期而遇!

12、May everything come as promised.愿一切都如约而至。

13、May you be kind and hello in April!愿你善良,四月你好!

14、Hello in April and see you in March. The new January begins with a beautiful morning. good morning!四月你好,三月再见。新的一月从美好的清晨开始。早安!

15、In April, I hope everyone can meet a better self in the next days.四月,希望在接下来的日子,每个人都可以遇见更好的自己。

16、I never deny the past, nor do I want to use the past to involve the future. Hello, April!我从不否定过去,也不想用过去牵扯未来。四月,你好!

17、April beauty settled down in the swallow's new home and began a warm life.四月美在燕子坐实了新家,开始温馨的生活。

18、Goodbye in March and hello in April. May the warm spring flowers bloom and the world be full of happiness!三月再见,四月你好,愿春暖花开,人间福满!

19、In April, you will meet a better self and usher in a better life.四月,你会遇见更好的自己,迎来更好的生活。

20、Allow some to miss and meet the right one. Hello April!允许一些错过,迎接对的相遇。四月你好!

21、If no one protects you all your life, you will be strong enough to have no weakness. Hello, April!若没人护你一世周全,那就坚强到没有软肋。你好,四月!

22、Goodbye, March! Hello, April, thank you for holding me in your arms.三月,再见!你好,四月,谢谢你拥我入怀。

23、See you in March and hello in April! May you never look back and make do with the future.三月再见,四月你好!愿你往事不回头,未来不将就。

24、The new month is nothing special. I just hope life can be better.新的一个月,没什么特别,只是希望日子能过的好一点。

25、The busy March is finally going to say goodbye, and the next is to enrich April.忙碌的三月终于要说再见了,接下来就是更充实了四月了。

26、Embrace change and achieve unlimited success. Hello, April; Goodbye, March!拥抱改变,成就无限。你好,四月;再见,三月!

27、Sometimes the sun is very good, sometimes the sun is very dark, this is life. Hello April!有时候阳光很好,有时候阳光很暗,这就是生活。四月你好!

28、April is cool and pleasant as promised. See you in March and hello in April.四月如约而至的凉爽,让人心怡,三月再见,四月你好。

29、Live fish will go up against the wave, while dead fish will drift with the wave. Goodbye March, hello April!活鱼会逆波而上,死鱼则会随波逐流。再见三月,你好四月!

30、April, Hello, please be kind to the people I love and those who love me.四月,你好,请善待我爱的人和爱我的人。

31、True love is not afraid of the long time and can never be erased! Goodbye, March, April hello.真爱不怕时间的漫长也永远无法磨灭!再见三月,四月你好。

32、You should have courage to lower your head and confidence to raise your head. Hello, April!低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气。三月再见,四月你好!

33、In April, I wish myself a little thinner!四月份了,祝自己再瘦一点点!

34、If you imitate others too much, it's easy to lose yourself. See you in March and hello in April!过多地模仿别人,很容易失去自己。三月再见,四月你好!

35、In April, I hope this is a new beginning.四月,希望这是一个新的开始。

36、On the first day of April, the most beautiful blessing is for you. May you be happy and everything be all right.四月第一天,最美的祝福送给你,愿你幸福,一切都好。

37、Goodbye in March and hello in April. May you be happy!三月再见,四月你好,愿你开心幸福!

38、Please be kind to me in April. I want to start over.四月请善待我,我想好好重新开始。

39、See you in March. Thank you for your company. Hello in April. Thank you for meeting. We continue to work hard on the road.三月再见,感谢陪伴四月你好,感谢相遇我们继续努力在路上。

40、I hope you have a lot of luck in April. May all expectations be as you wish.希望四月运气爆棚,愿所有期待都如你所愿。

41、Hello, April! Be safe. May the luck be hot, hot and bright this month.四月,你好!别来无恙,愿这个月,运气滚烫,又热又明亮。

42、Meet all the way, say goodbye All the way, say hello all the way, see you in March and hello in April!一路遇见,一路告别,一路问好,三月再见,四月你好!

43、In April, it's better to be more serious and win a pocket of happiness.四月,不如认真多一点,赢一口袋开心。

44、Say goodbye to March, enter April and meet better yourself!告别三月,走进四月,遇见更好的自己!

45、If March is too sad, I only hope April can come gently. See you in March and hello in April!如果三月太悲伤,只盼四月能温柔的来。三月再见,四月你好!

46、See you in March and hello in April! May you take off all your disguises and still smile like flowers every day.三月再见,四月你好!愿你卸下所有伪装,每天依旧笑靥如花。

47、Let life be natural and make yourself happy. See you in March and hello in April.让日子过得自然,让自己变得顺意。三月再见,四月你好。

48、You are no longer my weakness or my armor. See you in March and hello in April!你不再是我的软肋,也不再是我的铠甲。三月再见,四月你好!

49、For the rest of my life, be loyal to yourself and live like yourself. Hello April.余生那么长,忠于自己,活得还像自己。四月你好。

50、Years is a journey that has no return, good or bad, it is a scenery. Good morning, April!岁月是一场有去无回的旅行,好与坏它都是风景。早安,四月!

51、Time is like a current, all the way forward. In the twinkling of an eye, March has passed and April has come.时间如水流,一路向前,转眼间三月已过,四月来到。

52、Many thoughts come out every day. Those who don't die are called dreams. Hello April!每天都冒出很多念头,那些不死的才叫做梦想。四月你好!

53、Please be nice to me in April!四月请对我好点!

54、Hello, April! As long as you live longer than your competitors, you win.你好,四月!只要比竞争对手活得长,你就赢了。

55、Hello in April, the spring breeze is ten miles, and the fragrance of flowers is still there.四月你好,春风十里,花香依旧。

56、The galaxy in your eyes is a paradise I have never seen. Hello April!你眼中的星河烂漫是我不曾见过的世外桃源。四月你好!

57、Just be the first me, not the third one. Hello April.只做第一个我,不做第三个谁。四月你好。

58、You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you. Hello April!你从不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。四月你好!

59、Goodbye in March and hello in April. If you are well, it will be sunny.三月再见,四月你好,你若安好,便是晴天。

60、May you know how to let go and be treated gently by the years. Hello April.愿你懂得释怀,且被岁月温柔以待。四月你好。

61、Goodbye, March! Hello, April! Take care of your close friends and be safe.三月,再见!四月,你好!照顾身边知己,平安即可。

62、April should be lovely and happy.四月,宜可爱,宜快乐。

63、Goodbye in March, hello in April, beautiful spring, wish you well!三月再见,四月你好,春光明媚,愿你安好!