
2023年1月7日06:53:36哲理句子人生感悟英文已关闭评论 2

1、I will respond to you in the same manner as you speak to me.你用什么样的语气跟我说话,我就用什么样的姿态回应你。

1、I will respond to you in the same manner as you speak to me.你用什么样的语气跟我说话,我就用什么样的姿态回应你。

2、A lifetime is so short. Cherish what you should cherish and have what you should have.一辈子好短,该珍惜的就珍惜,该拥有的就拥有。

3、Drowning in the mountains for a long time will kill your heart, but living in the South China Sea for a long time has cooled your heart.久溺深山心会死,久居南海心已凉。

4、If I destroy the world, who dares to stop me? If there is resentment in the sky, why not bury it.我若灭世,谁敢阻拦,天若有怨,葬之何妨。

5、One of the great advantages of an outstanding person is that he is indomitable in adverse and difficult experiences.卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰苦的遭遇里百折不挠。

6、A bowl of cold water was splashed on the ground, and the left and the right could not be collected.一碗凉水泼在地,左收右收收不起。

7、Before that, it was just the heart moving, but after that, it was the soul sinking.此前不过是心在宕动,之后却是灵魂在沉陷。

8、It is better to be a universe than a human being.与其互为人间,不如自成宇宙。

9、He is afraid of being bothered by others and of being delayed by others.说话,怕人找麻烦,做事,怕人耽误自己。

10、You say you are not a person who likes the new and dislikes the old, but I am a person who is half new.你说你不是喜新厌旧的人,但我却是半新不旧的人。

11、It is better to cherish the present rather than wait until later to remember and recall.与其等到以后再来缅怀、追忆,不如好好地珍惜现在。

12、If you want to see a person's character clearly, you should see how the other person treats strangers.想看清一个人的人品,就去看对方如何对待陌生人。

13、You are the author of your life. Why do you have to write the script so painfully.你是你人生的作者,何必把剧本写的苦不堪言。

14、Because they will never understand how strong I am when I love you.因为他们永远都不会明白我在爱你的状态中有多么坚强。

15、If there is a lack of talents at the top, there will be those who are buried at the bottom and not known at that time.人才乏于上,则有沉废伏匿在下,而不为当时所知者矣。

16、No matter how difficult the road is, don't drink the wine given by strangers, and don't look for the hand of the person who once was.路再难走,别喝陌生人给的酒,也别去寻曾经那个人的手。

17、As long as you say goodbye bravely, life will give you a new start.只要你勇敢的说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始。

18、Do not understand tolerance, no matter how many friends have to leave.不懂宽容,再多朋友也要离去。

19、Waiting is like a sleepless night, helpless and long.等待就象失眠的黑夜,无助而漫长。

20、We should do more good deeds in order to be a happy person.应该多行善事,为了做一个幸福的人。

21、Do not disappoint every enthusiasm, nor please every indifference.不辜负每一份热情,也不讨好每一份冷漠。

22、Impermanence is the reality of life. People have birth, old age and death, which is the manifestation of impermanence.无常是人生的实相,人有生老病死,这就是无常的显现。

23、Excellent psychology is the fundamental guarantee to complete the task and achieve the goal.过硬的心理是完成任务、实现目标的根本保证。

24、Life may not be perfect, but if it is perfect, it will be boring.人生可能并不完美,但要是完美那就没意思了。

25、People who have dreams do not do multiple-choice questions, they only do proof questions.拥有梦想的人,不做选择题,他们只做证明题。

26、Fate favors those who have aspirations, maltreats the weak, and abandons those who have no aspirations.命运眷顾有志者,虐待软弱者,抛弃无志者。

27、When you doubt whether a person likes you, he certainly doesn't like you.当你怀疑一个人是不是喜欢你时,他肯定不喜欢你。

28、Optimism is a success in itself. Behind the dark clouds was still a bright sunny day.乐观本身就是一种成功。乌云后面依然是灿烂的晴天。

29、Understand tolerance, the road of life will be wider and wider.懂得宽容,人生的路才会越走越宽。

30、Yearn for freedom and always believe in hope and dream.向往自由,并永远相信希望,相信梦想。

31、You should know that the heart is a polysyllabic word. It reads the fourth tone as well as the first.你要知道心脏的脏是个多音字,它读第四声也读第一声。

32、Life can't be wasted. You should be worthy of yourself.人生不能虚度,自己要对得起自己。

33、Don't wait until you miss it to regret it. Don't wait until you lose it to save it.别等到错过后才去后悔,别等到失去后才想挽回。

34、What girls cherish most in their hearts is their own beauty.姑娘心里最珍视的东西是她们自己的美貌。

35、Speak less when you are angry, and do nothing when you are upset.生气时少说话,心烦时莫做事。

36、May you be positive, optimistic and happy every day!愿你积极乐观,开心过好每一天!

37、Be a man in advance and have a good character. With shadows in his eyes and his back to the light.做事先做人,拥有好人品。眼中有阴影,背对着光明。

38、When you see others being overbearing, you are actually afraid of authority.看别人霸道,其实是自己惧怕权威。

39、Climb every mountaintop and challenge new heights of life.攀上每一座山巅,挑战人生的新高度。

40、In the spring of the nineties, the shuttle is thrown, and the flowers drink wine and sing.九十春光一掷梭,花下酌酒且高歌。

41、Sound the horn of honesty and hold high the banner of the rule of law.吹响诚信号角,高举法治大旗。

42、Life can advance only through creation; Only adaptation can survive.人生只有创造才能前进;只有适应才能生存。

43、Another day has passed. How are you today? Is the dream far away from you?又一天过去了,今天过的还好吗?梦想是不是离你又远了?

44、Only incompetent management, no useless talents.只有无能的管理,没有无用的人才。

45、The world will never change, that is, everyone is changing.这个世界永远不会变的,就是所有人都在变。

46、You continue to flood, I continue to wave, and each is well.你继续泛滥,我继续浪,各自安好。

47、The meaning of life lies not in getting a good hand, but in how to play a bad hand.人生的意义不在于拿到一手好牌,而在于怎样打好一手坏牌。

48、Hard work pays off, and everyone can succeed.努力就有收获,人人都能成功。

49、Disappear without reason, purpose, explanation or responsibility.没有缘由没有目的没有任何解释不担任何责任地,消失。

50、Shake off your arms to work, pick up your tail and be a man.甩开膀子干活,夹起尾巴做人。

51、May you be faithful to yourself and live like yourself.愿你忠于自己,活的像自己。

52、Being jealous of others won't do you any good.嫉妒别人,不会给自己增加任何好处。

53、Only for success, not for failure.只为成功想办法,不为失败找理由。

54、It is enough to have a confidant in life, and the world should regard him with the same mind.人生得一知己足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。

55、Only after the prosperity of life, can we know that ordinary is true; Looking back on the vicissitudes of life, I just want to be as plain as water.人生繁华历尽,方知平凡是真;回首沧桑,只想平淡如水。

56、Always live with the one you should love because the one you want to love doesn't want to live.总要为想爱的人不想活,才跟该爱的人生活。

57、Even if you come out of the shadow, you don't have to meet the light.就算从阴影中走出来,迎接的也不一定是光明。

58、The heartbeat only takes a moment, and the heartbreak is only in a twinkling of an eye.心动只要一瞬间,心碎也只在一转眼间。

59、The most powerful people in the world are those who can live alone.这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。

60、How about strangling you when my hair reaches my waist?待我长发及腰,勒死你可好?

61、The greatest revenge for you is to live happier than you.给你最大的报复,就是活的比你幸福。

62、Eat to live, and live not to eat.吃饭是为了活着,而活着不是为了吃饭。

63、As my tone of voice became more polite, our relationship became more and more estranged.当我的口气越来越客气,我们的关系也就越来越疏离。

64、Please don't be afraid of the shadow, because it means there is light not far away.请不要害怕影子,因为这代表着不远处有光明。

65、Excessive pursuit of perfection is also an obstacle.过度追求完美,也是一种障碍。

66、Things that are too beautiful are too dazzling. At a glance, they are unforgettable.太美的东西也太眩目,望一眼,都是刻骨铭心。

67、Throw away what is useless, not beautiful, or unhappy.没用,不美,或不喜悦的东西都丢掉。爱说啦