
2023年1月24日04:48:06关于人生哲理英文短句已关闭评论 4

1、Gemstones do not shine without polish.不经过琢磨,宝石也不会发光。2、Don’t make your self righteous kindness a burden to others.不要将你自以为是的好意,成了他人的负担。

1、Gemstones do not shine without polish.不经过琢磨,宝石也不会发光。

2、Don't make your self righteous kindness a burden to others.不要将你自以为是的好意,成了他人的负担。

3、To be an exquisite woman, start from the hairstyle and skin care!做一个精致的女人,从发型开始,从护肤开始!

4、People who show off their lives may not be as beautiful as they seem.炫耀生活的人,可能远没表面那么风光。

5、Why should we have nothing to say to understand that silence is more sad than quarrel.为何要无话可说,才懂沉默比争吵更难过。

6、There is a kind of love called release. Give up everything and choose to start over.有一种爱叫释怀。放弃一切,选择重来。

7、The short reunion, the short excitement, like a dream, seems unreal.短暂的团圆,短暂的热闹,如梦一般,显得不真实。

8、I have not forgotten that I still love you, but time has made me forget how much I love you.我没忘记我还爱你,只是时间让我忘了我到底有多么的爱你。

9、Because I was hurt, I became more cautious about my feelings.因为受过伤,才对感情变得更加小心翼翼。

10、Attitude determines height, and habit dominates life.态度决定高度,习惯主宰人生。

11、Although ordinary people have no color, they often live the longest.尽管平凡的人,没有什么色彩,但往往生存的时间最长。

12、Break up should be decent, no one should say sorry, why owe.分手应该体面,谁都不要说抱歉,何来亏欠。

13、When you become famous in a poor day, you often lose things because you are happy.成名每在穷苦日,败事多因得意时。

14、How much responsibility a person can take, how much success he can achieve!一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!

15、The past is forgotten like smoke, and the selfless world is wide at the bottom of my heart.如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。

16、In the days when I miss you but pretend to see through, even silence is hard spoken.想你却佯装看透的日子里,连沉默都是嘴硬。

17、If you have no high or low ambition, do you have a man who wants peace and leisure?业无高卑志当坚,男儿有求安得闲?

18、I only lose my temper with you, because you won't leave me in my subconscious.只对你发脾气,因为我潜意识里你不会离开我。

19、There is no such thing as chasing dreams bravely, as long as you have a brave heart.勇敢追梦,没有那么多过不去坎,只要有一颗勇敢的心。

20、There are two roads in the forest. You can only take one road forever and miss the other.林中有两条路,你永远只能走一条,怀念着另一条。

21、A man cannot lower his noble head, except when picking up money.人不能低下高贵的头,但捡钱的时候例外。

22、Frustration experience is too little, so I always pay too much attention to some trivial things.挫折经历的太少,所以总是把一些琐碎的小事看的太重。

23、Every drop of sweat paid today will be replaced by every achievement in the future.今天付出的每一滴汗水,他日定能换成每一个成就。

24、Life grinds us round so that we can roll farther.生活将我们磨圆,是为了让我们滚得更远。

25、Cool, wind, wish your world sunshine gentle.降温了,起风了,愿你的世界阳光温柔。

26、If you want something, you can either go after it or give it up.自己想要的东西,要么奋力直追,要么干脆放弃。

27、Some roads are far away. It will be very tired to go on. However, if you don't go, you will regret it.有些路很远,走下去会很累,可是,不走,会后悔。

28、Hate me. That's all right. I don't mind. I don't live to please you.讨厌我。没关系我不介意。我活着不是为了取悦你。

29、Do not know how to refuse, most of them are stupid and kind.不懂得拒绝,大多都是愚蠢的善良。

30、Don't always expect miracles. Another name for miracles is hard work.不要总期待有奇迹,奇迹的另一个名字是努力。

31、Confusion is always temporary, and the road you choose to go on is forever.迷茫总是一时的,选择的道路一直走下去,才是一世的。

32、On the way of life, if you are accompanied, your soul is not alone.人生路上,有人陪伴,灵魂不孤单。

33、For those who have no ambition, the journey seems long; For those who have no money, the town seems far away.对没志气的人,路程显得远;对没有银钱的人,城镇显得远。

34、Autumn leaves, one leaf one autumn yellow, winter snow, one snow one winter cold, people, one day one mind cool.秋叶,一叶一秋黄,冬雪,一雪一冬寒,人心,一天一心凉。

35、If I can't, I must; If I must, I can.假如我不能,我一定要;假如我一定要,我就一定能。

36、Random is different from no temper. I have never said I am kind.随性不同于没脾气,我从来没讲过我善良。

37、I know very well that I have to bully others and feed myself.我很清楚,欺负别人和养活自己,我都得自己来。

38、How dare I love you if you don't lack me.你一副不缺我的样子,我还怎么敢爱你。

39、An unintentional beginning, and an unknown ending, meet only in that instant.一个无意的开始,和一个未知的结局,相逢只在那一瞬之间。

40、You can always make me take good night every day and make my dream the most touching.你总是能让我带着每天的晚安,把梦做到最感动。

41、Those who choose to avoid at the beginning choose to fail at the beginning.一开始就选择逃避的人,一开始就选择了失败。

42、Women's tears are useless liquid, but if you make women cry, you are useless.女人的眼泪是没用的液体,但你让女人流泪说明你很没用。

43、There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.没有永恒的朋友,只有永恒的利益。

44、Human nature is selfish and cannot be seen thoroughly.人性是自私A,始终是看不透彻。

45、The deepest love is unforgettable, and the most painful pain is sorrow.最深的爱是刻骨铭心的,最痛的苦是悲哀欲尽的。

46、If people are not full, they will be swallowed up by time, leaving only empty shells.人若不充实,便会被时光吞噬的只剩空壳。

47、If you regard me as a game, I will kill you.如果你视我为游戏,我就开挂虐死你。

48、It's a pity that there are several times in life. I think my eyes have leaked.人生能有几次的可惜,我想我的眼睛已经泄了底。

49、Everything has a definite number and cannot be forced.凡事都是有定数的,不能强求。

50、Everything in this world will be old except your smile when you look back. Cherish the present people.这世界什么东西都会陈旧,除了你回头的微笑。珍惜眼前人。

51、There are people, things and things that cannot be put down.有放不下的人,有放不下的物,也有放不下的事情。

52、I can't make everyone like me. Why should I live under the eyes of others.我做不到每个人都喜欢我,我何必在别人的眼光下生活呢。

53、People only know where their hearts are when they face life and death.人只有在直面生死的时候,才知道自己的心在什么地方。

54、Later, when talking and laughing with friends, your name became more than before.后来与朋友谈笑风生间,你的名字多了一个以前。

55、Men are for sex before marriage and love after marriage. Women are for love before marriage and sex after marriage.男人婚前为性婚后为情,女人婚前为情婚后为性。

56、It doesn't matter how well you play, what matters is how you feel when you play.无所谓你弹奏得怎样,重要的是你弹琴时的感受。

57、Don't be interested, don't want to know, don't talk nonsense.不感兴趣,不想了解,不要废话。

58、When you are poor, your friends change.当你穷了,身边的朋友也变了。

59、But the lonely thing will flow out of your eyes if you keep your mouth shut.可是孤独这玩意,堵得住嘴,也会从眼睛流出来。

60、Always know that you are not the only one trying.永远清楚,不是只有你一个人在努力。

61、Pain is mostly because people think about it.痛苦,多半是因为人去想它的缘故。

62、Not being pragmatic and being greedy for pleasure are bliss and abyss.不务实,贪享乐,是极乐,也是深渊。

63、On the stage of knowledge, the most profound teachers are also the most modest students.在知识的舞台上,最渊博的教师也是最谦虚的学生。

64、Those who have not experienced life alone will never know the bitterness of life.没有独自体验过生活的人,永远不知生活的苦。

65、Cry with laughter and live with death.以笑的方式哭,在死亡的伴随下活着。