
2023年1月30日06:22:08英语原耽句子已关闭评论 0

1、After years of wishful thinking, he became possessed.经年痴心妄想,一朝走火入魔。2、The world only knows the ghost general, not Wen qionglin in white.世人只知鬼将军,不知白衣温琼林。

1、After years of wishful thinking, he became possessed.经年痴心妄想,一朝走火入魔。

2、The world only knows the ghost general, not Wen qionglin in white.世人只知鬼将军,不知白衣温琼林。

3、Life, death. Death is the beginning of life.生,死之徒。死,生之始。

4、What can happen to him under my nose?在我眼皮底下,他能出什么事?

5、If there is no fear, there is no courage.若无所谓畏惧,便无所谓勇敢。

6、Since they are like each other, let each other go.既然彼此彼此,那就放过彼此。

7、Now that people are tigers, you can't stop them at the beginning.现在说人家是虎,当初拦你都拦不住。

8、All adults are children, as long as you haven't forgotten.所有大人都是孩子,只要你未曾遗忘。

9、The ideal is too bright. Once it is broken, the despair is too deep.理想太光辉,一旦破灭,绝望就太深。

10、It's up to you. You can do whatever you like.随你啦,你爱怎能么样就怎么样吧。

11、After three thousand years of knocking before the devil, I look back on the world and do not become an immortal.魔前一叩三千年,回首凡尘不做仙。

12、I was worried just now. You can't be an angel!刚才还在担心,你不会是天使吧!

13、There seems to be a dead cat stuck in your horn.好像有只死猫,卡在你那喇叭里了。

14、Who knows that I am urged by frost and snow, and who is drunk with me.何人知我霜雪催,何人与我共一醉。

15、Wei Wuxian, the ancestor of Yiling, wore hemp and filial piety and forgot the opportunity.夷陵老祖魏无羡,披麻戴孝蓝忘机。

16、It turns out that our changes are so easy.原来我们的改变,都是那么地容易。

17、I was too young to understand what love was.当时我太小了,不懂的爱是什么。

18、Dominate the sky, the enemy will crawl under my feet.称霸天空,敌人将匍匐在我的脚下。

19、I've been looking for you for 10000 years, and I've been waiting for you for 10000 years.我找了你一万年,我等了你一万年。

20、Love is not a word, but an action.爱不是一句话,只是一个动作。

21、The water of forgetting Sichuan lies in forgetting feelings.忘川之水,在于忘情。

22、The heart has a sharp weapon, and the hand has no claws and teeth.心有利器,手无爪牙。

23、Those who can travel happily must be light travelers.能快乐旅行的,一定是轻装旅行的人。

24、It seems that sweet is only sweet for a moment, but bitter has been bitter for many years.仿佛甜只甜了一瞬,苦却苦了很多年。

25、He's not me. I won't get there.他不是我,我不会走到那一步。

26、I don't know how to cross others.不知渡人,何以渡己。

27、Where there is your place, there is my home.哪里有你的地方,哪里就是我的家。

28、Even after a thousand years, people's hearts will not change.纵然过了千年,人心仍不会改变。

29、You are the first one, poor enough to make me laugh.你是第一个,穷得令我发笑的人。

30、The reason why people can is to believe that they can.人之所以能,是相信能。

31、The road is obstructed and long, cutting through thorns and thorns.道阻且漫长,披荆斩棘往。

32、It's a matter of time before you die.生前哪管身后事,浪得几日是几日。

33、I still hold the pipa half to cover my face, and see the flowers in the fog.犹抱琵琶半遮面,雾里看花美三分。

34、Despair is false, but so is hope.绝望是虚假的,但希望亦是如此。

35、He wore cassock, broke his hair, guarded bronze and hid flowers.披了袈裟断了发,守了青铜藏了花。

36、Agreed! I will definitely save you!约定好了!绝对会去救你的!

37、You know, the road in spring is still full of mud!要知道,春天的道路依然充满泥泞!

38、Xue Yang also has a heart, but the Taoist priest doesn't believe it.薛洋也有心,可道长不信。

39、Until the next life, if you don't come, I'm not old.等到下一世,你不来,我不老。

40、He is omnipresent, perfect and powerful.他无所不在,完美而强大。

41、Please go with me to find the invisible thing.请和我一起去寻找那看不见的东西吧。

42、Only when I am strong enough can I protect the people I love.只有自己够强,才可以保护我爱的人。

43、Remember what you get and forget what you give.牢记所得到的,忘记所付出的。

44、Ask the spirit for thirteen years and wait until he doesn't return.问灵十三载,等一不归人。

45、My ears hurt and the air was full of anger.我的耳朵好痛,空气中充满了愤怒。

46、The deepest love, but it can't reach time after all.最深的爱恋,却终究抵不过时间。

47、If you feel pain, you want to die. Your brain is short circuited.感到痛苦就想死,你大脑短路了吧。

48、No matter what is right or wrong, it's up to people to destroy their reputation, regardless of gain or loss.是非再己,毁誉由人,得失不论。

49、All encounters in the world are reunion after a long separation.世间所有相遇,本就是久别重逢。

50、Without fear, you are the strong!心无惧,方才是强者!

51、I'm still trying. Don't like others first.我还在努力,你先不要喜欢上其他人。

52、Trees are the power that slowly extends to the sky.树,是慢慢伸向天空的力量。

53、The swan is beautiful in white and the crow is proud in black.天鹅以白为美,乌鸦以黑为荣。

54、I'm dead set, but I hope she will change her mind soon.我自己死心塌地,却希望她快点变心。

55、for you, a thousand times over.为你,千千万万遍。

56、Approaching is such a thrilling thing.靠近,竟是这样一件惊心动魄的事。

57、Close your eyes and have fun.闭上眼,打开心。

58、Admit it, why Chen, you're crazy with jealousy.承认吧,何以琛,你嫉妒得发狂。

59、Where there are seven emotions and six desires, there is deep water and fire.哪里有七情六欲,哪里就有水深火热。

60、It's better to regret what you did than regret what you didn't do.比起不做而后悔,不如做了再后悔。

61、You deceived him into being blind and made him suffer!你欺他眼盲,骗得他好苦!

62、Don't protect me. Give it up.不必保我,弃了吧。

63、Therefore, being amorous is a disease that must be treated.所以说,自作多情是病,一定要治的。

64、It's not eternity, it's eternity.不是永恒这回事,就是一种永恒。

65、An encounter is actually beautiful enough.一场邂逅,其实就足够美丽。

66、It's not what she wants. No matter how much you give her, she doesn't want it.不是她要的,给她再多,她也不稀罕。爱说啦

67、Once the road is opened, no one will go.路一旦打通,不会没有人走。

68、Withered and scattered is the oath to die.凋零散落的是,至死不渝的誓言。

69、Yiling ancestors, one in five, three in ten!夷陵老祖,五文一张,十文三张!

70、Those who avoid reality will be less ideal in the future.回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。

71、I don't need you, and you don't need me either.我不需要你,你也同样用不着我。

72、One hand compassion buys people's hearts, the other hand thunder town snack.一手慈悲买人心,一手雷霆镇宵小。

73、As long as that smile remains, I will concentrate on nothing else.只要那一抹笑容尚存,我便心无旁骛。

74、Forget to admire a song, miss you, and remember the appearance of the vast sea.忘羡一曲心系君,瀚海百重长相忆。

75、The young man stood against the light, and no one could see his expression clearly.少年逆光而立,谁都看不清他的表情。

76、On that planet, I was tamed by a flower.在那个星球上,我被一朵花驯养了。

77、She only described miracles, but refused to say who was a saint.她只描述奇迹,却不肯说谁是圣徒。

78、The biggest problem is not growing up, but forgetting.最大的问题不是长大,而是遗忘。

79、Do what you should do and stop what you should do.行于所当行,止于所当止。

80、Ah Xue won't die, because the future is like this.阿雪不会死的,因为未来是这样的。

81、No problem. Don't worry, everything will be fine没问题的,别担心,一切都会好的.

82、Before I beat the Buddha, there were clouds together!在我斗战胜佛面前,一起都是浮云!