
2023年2月13日06:38:17相濡以沫爱情唯美句子英语已关闭评论 1

1、After a round-trip reunion, it was a romance.经过了兜兜转转的重逢,是场浪漫。2、At the thought of spending the rest of my life with you, I am full of expectations for the rest of my life.一想到能和你共度余生,我就对余生充满了期待。

1、After a round-trip reunion, it was a romance.经过了兜兜转转的重逢,是场浪漫。

2、At the thought of spending the rest of my life with you, I am full of expectations for the rest of my life.一想到能和你共度余生,我就对余生充满了期待。

3、I still like you very much, like green leaves in spring and sunshine in summer, which are not as good as you.我还是很喜欢你,像春日绿叶夏日阳光,都不如你。

4、Hold my hand and make sure you don't get lost when you walk with your eyes closed.牵着我的手,保证闭着眼睛走路你都不会迷路。

5、Like you, just like this day only increases but not decreases.对你的喜欢,就如同这日子只增不减。

6、Hold my hand, don't lose me!牵好我的手,可别把我弄丢了!

7、Want to become a small plane and fly into your heart.想变成一架小飞机,噗嗤噗嗤的飞进你的心里。

8、Fall in love in summer and elope in autumn. If you are free, accompany me in winter.夏天恋爱,秋天私奔,如果有空,冬天陪我过冬。

9、Maybe I fell into the sea, but we like it now.或许回想掉进了大海,但咱们一起喜欢着现在。

10、Gently, don't startle your dream; I only wish you had me in your dream.轻轻地,不惊你梦;只愿你,梦中有我。

11、Too lazy to have love and righteousness, just want to have money and you.懒得有情有义,只想有钱有你。

12、I want to tell you that if you love someone, you can't just love his summer.想告诉你,如果爱一个人,不能只爱他的夏天。

13、Fear of no return, fear of empty joy, fear that you are not coming.怕无归期,怕空欢喜,怕来者不是你。

14、I get tired of things too fast, and you are my biggest exception.我对事物厌倦的太快,而你是我最大的例外。

15、I'm a wandering soul on the street, and you're the one who smells me.我是街上的游魂,而你是闻到我的人。

16、Nothing else, just say I like you on a special day.没别的意思,就是借着特殊的日子说声喜欢你。

17、There are all kinds of Customs in the world, but you are my favorite.这世间风情万种,你却是我的情有独钟。

18、Love is sometimes a momentary heartbeat and a lifetime of heartache.爱情,有时候就是一瞬间的心动,一辈子的心痛。

19、Cities or wilderness, day or night, everything is your eyebrows and eyes.城市或荒野,白昼或长夜,万象都是你眉眼。

20、Love words hide in the wind, like people hide in dreams, you are still in my heart.情话躲在风里,喜欢的人藏在梦里,你还在我心里。

21、I don't want anything, just your lifelong love.我什么都不想要,只想要你的一世专情。

22、I'm willing to bet all the time that I only love you.我愿意赌上所有时光只爱你一人。

23、There are too few things to cherish, but you are among the best.所珍重的事物实在太少,不过你在其中,名列前茅。

24、If you come, the days will be sweeter.你来的话,日子会甜一点。

25、I'm going to bed, because it's you in my dream.我要睡觉了,因为梦里都是你。

26、I don't know the rules. You're not allowed to leave when you come.我不讲章法,你来了就不准走。

27、The stars and the moon won't come to you, but I will.星星月亮不会奔你而来,但我会。

28、When the ends of the earth are poor, there is only endless Acacia.天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处。

29、I wish I could hold my son's hand and help you with each other.惟愿执子之手,与卿相濡以沫。

30、I found that in my heart, all beings are equal, only you are overweight.我发现在我心里,众生平等,只有你超重。

31、When I look at you, the world is warm.看着你的时候,世界都是温暖色的。

32、Want to be the kind of girl who can soften your heart.想成为那种撒个娇,就能让你心软的姑娘。

33、I can't give you endless wealth, but I can give you endless flowers.我不能给你无尽的财富,但我可以给你无尽的花朵。

34、I know you from afar, but I don't know the depth of the sea of clouds.与君远相知,不知云海深。

35、Don't be too cute, or I'll see you once and love you once.别太可爱了,不然见你一次爱你一次。

36、I only hold your hand in this life, because you are enough in this life.这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。

37、You are so cunning. In order to see me, you came to my dream.你真狡猾,为了见我,都跑到我的梦里来了。

38、For people like you, there is nothing to talk about except love.对你这种人,除了恋爱,没什么好谈的。

39、Maturity is for strangers, and the childish side is for you.成熟是给陌生人看的,幼稚的一面才是给你看的。

40、Watching others walk is walking, but watching you walk is walking in my heart!看别人走路是走路,而看你你走路是走在我心里!

41、I can't say anything touching. I just want to take you home.说不出动人的情话,我只想带你回家。

42、I won't say many intoxicating love words, but I just want to take you home.我不会说多醉人的情话,但我只想带你回家。

43、Milk tea, fried chicken and Korean drama express are not as good as you.奶茶炸鸡,韩剧快递,都不如你。

44、Since you appeared, I know that it is so beautiful to be loved.自从你出现后,我才知道原来有人爱是那么的美好。

45、The deep sea is a dream, the deep night is the dawn, and my soul is you.海至深是梦,夜至深是黎明,我灵魂至深是你。

46、Every time I see your crescent smile, it seems that the whole world is bright.每次看到你月牙般的笑眼,仿佛全世界都是明媚的。

47、Talking about a wrong love is like wetting the bed, warming for a while and cooling the quilt.谈一场错误的恋爱就像尿床,暖一时,凉一被子。

48、I have saved a long time of tenderness and romance and want to give it to you at one time.攒了好久的温柔与浪漫,想要一次性都给你。

49、Sea breeze, sunset, and 18-year-old youth.海风,夕阳,还有十八岁的青春。

50、I don't believe in constellations, except when I like you.不太相信星座,除了喜欢你的时候。

51、The world is nothing but a dream, only a beauty caresses my heart.人间不过黄粱梦,唯有佳人抚我心。

52、If things backfire, please believe that God has arranged otherwise.如果事与愿违,请一定相信是上天另有安排。

53、Linglong dice, an Hongdou, Acacia in the bones, I don't know.玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思知不知。

54、You said: you can cry and don't admit defeat; I said: I admit defeat, don't cry.你说:可以哭,不认输;我说:我认输,你别哭。

55、Others use tenderness to describe you, I use you to describe tenderness.别人用温柔形容你,我用你形容温柔。

56、The so-called world, isn't it you?所谓世间,不就是你吗?

57、Only wish to be with you, from the breaking of the sky to the snowy head at dusk.唯愿与你,从天光乍破,到暮雪白头。

58、I like you for more than two minutes. I can't withdraw it.我喜欢你超过两分钟了,不能撤回了。

59、Tao talks thousands of words just to accompany you forever.道尽万语千言,只为能陪你走到永远。

60、You are my spring and autumn dream hidden under my pillow year after year.你是我年复一年,藏在枕头下的春秋大梦。

61、Life is long. Be with the people you love most, such as you.一生很长要和最爱的人在一起,比如你。

62、If you're tired of being a fairy, come and be my baby.你要是当仙女当累了,就来做我的宝贝。

63、Let's meet. The surging love must be explained.见一面吧,心潮汹涌的爱意总要有个交代。

64、Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed. You won't get lost.牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。

65、I want to set all the tenderness and loveliness to be visible only to you.我要把所有的温柔和可爱都设置成仅你可见。

66、I send big stars, which are sent by heaven to protect you.我派大星,是上天派来保护你的星星。爱说啦

67、I'm warm, but I'm not a central air conditioner. I'm your private custom.我暖,但我不是中央空调,我是你的私人定制。

68、Whether it is sunny in winter or your light in winter.究竟是阳光明媚了冬天,还是冬天沾了你的光。

69、Autumn is an inverted spring. Good night is a sequel to love you.秋天是倒放的春天,晚安是爱你的续篇。

70、I want to give you all the world, so used to life that I can't take care of myself.我想把世界都给你,惯到生活不能自理。

71、There is no way to eliminate this situation. Just under the eyebrow, but on the heart.此情无计可消除。才下眉头,却上心头。