
2023年5月29日07:23:57英文长句情话已关闭评论 0



Suddenly, I like to catch a glimpse. Love at first sight is too superficial, and long-term love is too pale. Other people are looking at each other. I have only one look at you.


I would like to say to you, in my heart you are my all, I do not pray you with the same love for me, just want to have your comfort and understanding.


It is said that people have 206 bones. Once I meet you, I have 207. Without you, it's like hot and dry noodles without sesame sauce, without taste.


You can come to me, I'm very happy, whether as a friend or a lover, I don't care, what matters is that you can come to me.


How to let you meet me, in my most beautiful time, for this, I have been in front of the Buddha for 500 years, ask him, let us get a piece of dust.


Don't always say what you like to do. The future is not long. Don't leave today's embrace to tomorrow. The rest of your life may be very expensive.


I like you as if I am a desperate gambler. I will write the first half of my life on paper. Please give me more advice for the rest of my life.


All white things meet with you, become black ink, dim, all birds and beasts because can not say your name and despair.


Life as long as two lucky is good, one is in my best years to meet you; the other is until gray hair, you also accompany me to the end.


There are many reasons for not loving, busy, tired, not feeling, not suitable, for you, and the only performance of love is to be with you.


Smile at me again, like when I first met, I want to make you jealous. I wish you happiness again. If someone chases you, I trip her.


I hope the telephone, Internet, high-speed rail and airplane will not be invented. In that case, you may not be able to bear the miss and come to see me.


Life is a show that never ends. Each of us is an actor. However, some people obey themselves, others please the audience.


I admit that I didn't write the love letter, but I copied it, but it's true to like you; I didn't plant the rose, but it's true to express my love for you.


In fact, happiness is very simple, when I am helpless, when I am wronged, when I am lost, your embrace is the greatest happiness.


You will become a little star, twinkle and twinkle in other people's world, so I will hide you in my eyes before I fall asleep.


After leaving, I think you should not forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I miss you too.


If I were your girlfriend, I would make myself look very beautiful and happy. Needless to say, others all know you are the best boyfriend.


You are nothing good, but I just like you, you can't change, just as you don't like me, I can't change, this is called fate.


Even if you know that love is mostly right and wrong, gratitude and resentment are annoying, but still want to rush into the world of mortals and hold you tight.


If you don't turn your head, how can you know that I'm not behind you, but later the wind dispersed the story, the heavy rain blocked the road, and the people in the distance forgot to return.


Promise me, you must do it without me. Let me see the sparkle of the diamond, even if it doesn't belong to me, I would like to.


When I can't see you, I'm eager to see you; when I see you, I'm afraid to leave; whether I can't see you or see you, I can't be happy.


I'm doing two things now, one is to become better, the second is to wait for you. I would like to take your hand one day to toast the guests!


When you can share a moment of silence with someone without embarrassment, you will understand that you have met the right person.


No matter how good you are, don't try to tease someone else's girlfriend. There is a risk in digging the foot of the wall. Be careful that the wall will crush you. This is advice.


I open my eyes, clear breeze and bright moon are you, flowers and trees are you, and so are the mountains and rivers. So I close my eyes, the stars in my dream have become you.


Like you, as always, but can only as always like. When can I pierce that window and hold you well.


When I can't see you, I have a lot of words to say to you. When you are around, I feel like I'm leaning on you quietly. Even if I don't speak, it's very good.


There are so many dazzling people, only you who flash to me. You are the one I want to show off to the whole world, but I don't want to share it with anyone.


Sweet love words always can not finish, romantic days always feel so short, love in the heart is not afraid to say to you, the taste of happiness is sweet to the heart.


You are not good at all, always make me cry, and I imagine the boyfriend is also very different, but I love you, cry while biting teeth love you.


I want to hold the ring to smile at you, and I want to ask you more advice for the rest of my life. I want to smile at you with flowers and say how wonderful life is with you.


I know that you are also close to me, the stars are your gifts, so I also came to you, twilight thousands of miles, are my return gifts.


If you call winter, I like winter; if you call summer, I like summer. Look, it doesn't matter what your name is. It's mainly because I like you.


It is not because of loneliness that I miss you, but because I miss you that I am lonely. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because I think too much.


If you want to, I like you. Of course, if you don't want to, I will choose to love alone. Now I want to ask, would you like to?


Once thought of love while walking, anyway, a sea of people. Later, I found powerlessly that I couldn't love while walking. You alone blocked the sea of people.


I dare not say that I love you. I am afraid that I will die soon. I am not afraid of death. I am afraid that I will die. No one will love you like me again!


Like the eyes of people always hidden stars, when he gently look at me, it is a galaxy, that is the stars and milky way in my eyes.


Love words are seen, love letters are copied, routines are learned, roses are stolen, courage is borrowed, love you is born.