
2023年6月9日09:24:32忏悔录英文名句已关闭评论 0

1、Thank God, I finally said all the ugly things that are hard to say.感谢上苍,我终于把难以说出口的丑事,明明白白的全部说出来了。

1、Thank God, I finally said all the ugly things that are hard to say.感谢上苍,我终于把难以说出口的丑事,明明白白的全部说出来了。

2、If I were thrown into the Bastille, I could write a theory of freedom.假如将我扔进巴士底狱,我就能写出一部有关自由的学说。

3、No matter how gifted a person is, the art of writing should be learned step by step.不论一个人与生俱来的天资有多高,写作艺术也是要循序渐进、一步一步学好的。

4、In good times, the condemnation of conscience falls asleep; In times of adversity, the condemnation of conscience intensifies.处于顺境的时候,良心的谴责就睡着了;处于逆境的时候,良心的谴责就加剧了。

5、Love without madness, jealousy without disorder, regret without pain, anger without anger.爱而不狂,妒而不乱,悔而不痛,怒而仍平。

6、True love can make people have enough reason to think deeply.真正的爱情能让人有足够的理智去深思熟虑。

7、No matter how brilliant it is, it can't compare with the moment of true freedom in youth.不论何等辉煌,也比不上青春时代真正自由的片刻欢乐。

8、The more a person has the ability to appreciate the advantages of others, the easier he is to fall for those advantages.一个人越是具有欣赏别人优点的能力,他就越容易为那些优点所倾倒。

9、Even in the face of facts, people often judge things according to the wrong principles.即便是在事实面前,人们也往往会根据错误的原则判断事物的。

10、The distance between friends is not always because of ingratitude, but often because of laziness.朋友之间的渐行渐远,并不都是因为忘恩负义,而往往是因为疏懒之故。

11、The courage shown in adversity will usually shock the humble mind and delight the noble mind.在逆境中表现出来的勇气,通常会让卑怯的心灵震惊,而让高尚的心灵喜悦。

12、I've been longing for the woman I love most all my life, but I don't dare to say it in front of them.我一辈子就这样渴求着最心爱的女人,但在她们面前又不敢声张。

13、When a person thinks for survival, his thought is difficult to be noble.当一个人为了生存而去思考时,他的思想就很难高尚了。

14、Although I'm not better than others, at least I'm different from them.虽然我不比别人好,至少和他们不一样。

15、If all people can understand the inner thoughts of others, there are more modest people than arrogant people.如果所有的人都能了解别人内心的想法,那谦虚的人就要比高傲的人多多了。

16、My laziness comes not from idleness, but from independence.我的懒惰并非出于游手好闲,而是出于独立不羁。

17、The curse of a villain is the glory of an upright man.小人的咒骂,是正直人的光荣。

18、In my opinion, life is love.在我看来,生活就是爱。

19、The idea of flattering others is not necessarily a manifestation of hypocrisy. For young people, it may sometimes be a virtue.逢迎别人的想法,不一定是虚伪的表现,对年轻人而言,有时可能是一种美德。

20、At this time, all I rejoice in is that love should be love with me.这时我所欢喜的,不过是爱与我当爱。

21、I would rather die than enjoy the happiness of belittling the personality of the person I love.我宁愿万死,也不肯享受那贬低所爱之人的人格所得到的快乐。

22、I would rather use these narratives to expose people's evil thoughts than expand people's evil thoughts because of my silence.我宁可利用这些叙述来揭露人的邪念,而不愿由于我的沉默而扩大了人的邪念。

23、Thousands of people are still busy making a living without doubting the meaning of life.成千上万的人仍在忙于生计,却不曾怀疑过生命的意义。

24、Children's first step towards evil is largely due to his good nature being led astray.儿童第一步走向邪恶,大抵是由于他那善良的本性被人引入歧途的缘故。

25、If you chase too hard, love runs fast, and even drives away the only favor left by the other party.追得太凶,爱情就跑得快,甚至把对方仅剩的一点好感,也赶得无影无踪。

26、Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed. You won't get lost.牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。

27、The strong who do evil go unpunished and the innocent weak suffer.作恶的强者消遥法外,无辜的弱者遭殃。

28、The farther we are from life, the closer we are to truth.我们只有离生命越远,离真理才越近。

29、Human nature is good, so the first step for children to learn bad is often because they have been led astray by others.人性本善,所以儿童学坏的第一步,往往是因为被他人引入了邪路。

30、I often fail in front of women because I love them too much.我在女人跟前经常失败,就是由于我太爱她们了。

31、At the peak of life, the heart of self reproach is sleeping; When he was at the bottom of his life, he woke up immediately.处在人生巅峰时,自责之心是沉睡着的;处在人生低谷时,它立即醒来了。

32、Reality is not important in my eyes. It's just a decoration of my romantic imagination.现实在我的眼中并不重要,只不过是我浪漫想象的装饰物罢了。

33、If one day we are not together, we should be together.假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。

34、People can't help themselves in the Jianghu. When a person becomes famous, it's not so easy to want to live a poor and independent life.人在江湖身不由己,当一个人成名了,想过清贫而独立的生活,并不那么容易。

35、No matter what line of work, as long as you become the top, you will be lucky.不管哪一行,只要成了尖子,就一定会走运。

36、If God wants to destroy a person, he must first make him crazy, but I've been crazy for so long. Why doesn't God destroy me.如果上帝要毁灭一个人必先令其疯狂、可我疯狂了这么久为何上帝还不把我毁掉。

37、Being in the environment I was most fascinated by, I didn't get any pure enjoyment.置身于我曾最为心驰神往的环境之中,我却得不到一点纯粹的享受。

38、True happiness is not the accumulation of a series of facts, but the continuation of a state.真正的幸福不是一系列事实的积累,而是一种状态的持续。

39、Only in winter can I paint the scenery; I must live in a humble house to paint a beautiful field.我只有在冬天才能描绘出春天的景色;我必须身居陋室才能描绘美丽的田野。

40、I found that in life, most people's words and deeds are often different from themselves.我发现在生活中,大部分人的言行往往与自己判若两人。

41、No matter how pure a person's heart is, there are some detestable shortcomings.一个人的内心无论怎样纯洁,也多少有点儿可憎的缺点。

42、If a person is unable to control his greed, he will inevitably go farther and farther on the road of sin.一个人如果无力控制心中的贪念,必然会在罪恶的道路上越走越远。

43、In order to be able and dare to speak great truth, we must not only think about success.为了能够和敢于说出伟大的真理,就绝不能只想着成功。