
2023年6月11日11:30:13文案句子伤感英文已关闭评论 0

1、Tears are your own, but they always flow for others.眼泪是自己的,却总为别人而流。

1、Tears are your own, but they always flow for others.眼泪是自己的,却总为别人而流。

2、I bet my whole life on happiness. How can you be willing to let me lose.我用一生的幸福做赌注你怎么舍得我输。

3、Close to you, close to heartache, leave you, far away from happiness.接近你就靠近心痛,离开你就远离幸福。

4、There are always people who love to be humble, and there are always people who love to be reckless.总有人爱到卑微,总有人爱到肆意妄为。

5、I agreed to be the scenery all the way, but in the end it became a lonely trip.说好做我一路的风景,最后却成孤独的旅行。

6、A man has only one heart but two atria.一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房。

7、It doesn't matter if you are hurt or hurt more.被人伤的多了,痛的多了,什么都无所谓了。

8、Have you ever eaten gum? Spit it out if it's not sweet. It's like love.你吃过口香糖吗,不甜就吐掉像极了爱情。

9、Tears are not a good child. They always run out unconsciously.眼泪不是个乖小孩,它总是不自觉地跑出来。

10、Only after a long illness can you know who loves you, and only when you are deeply drunk can you know who you love.久病才知谁爱你,深醉才知你爱谁。

11、I miss you and look forward to your future.怀念和你的一切,期待有你的将来。

12、Have been waiting for a person, a person who knows how to cherish fate.一直在等一个人,一个懂得珍惜缘分的人。

13、If you leave me ruthlessly, why pretend to love me deeply.心狠的抛下我,何必再装深爱着。

14、They are having a party, drinking and making preparations, which is very lively.他们在聚会,觥筹交错,很是热闹。

15、Be the simplest person and take the happiest road.做一个最单纯的人,走一段最幸福的路。

16、My story has you, but your story doesn't have me.我的故事有你,可你的故事没我。

17、The wound is almost healed. Is the heart itching again.伤口快好了是不是心又痒了。

18、Your love goes and stays, my heart can't stand tossing.你们的爱走走留留,我的心经不起折腾。

19、The most tiring thing in the world is to live hypocritically.世界上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。

20、Love draws a pause, and we end with each other.爱情画上了休止符,我们也彼此结束。

21、At that time, the memory of which leaf, the dust settled and was lifted by the wind.那时哪片落叶的记忆,尘埃落定又被风提起。

22、Dear yourself, walk alone for the rest of your life.亲爱的自己,余生独自前行。

23、Only when you throw yourself gently into the air can you have a long memory.温柔扑了空,才能长记性。

24、I like the sky. It's so fickle.我喜欢上了天空。它是那样的变化无常。

25、Waving goodbye is the arm, closer is the heart.挥别的是手臂,更近的是心灵。

26、Look at life with a smile. No one is worth my sadness.笑看人生,谁都不值得我难过。

27、What should we do, love will be very happy.我们要怎么做,爱情才会很快乐。

28、The source of depression is that the heart is not simple.苦闷的来源,即在于心地不单纯。

29、You're stupid, but I didn't come.是,我是很蠢,但也没蠢到你来教育我。

30、I know everything, but I didn't say anything.我什么都知道,可我什么都没说。

31、Smile more, you will slowly make yourself really happy.多笑笑,会慢慢让自己真的快乐起来。

32、I wish you are looking for someone who has been blasted.祝你找的对象都是被爆过菊花的。

33、Passing by is also a deep fate.擦身而过,也是一种很深的缘分。

34、Comfort others during the day and love yourself at night.白天安慰别人,晚上心疼自己。

35、And I'll love you, so you don't have to be alone.还有我来疼爱你,所以你无需孤独。

36、Don't be too tired and learn to free yourself.心别太累,学会解脱自己。

37、Your ownership belongs to me, but you're gone.你的所有权是属于我的,可是你不见了。

38、Love is a very beautiful sword. The tighter you hold it, the more serious it hurts.爱情是一把很漂亮的剑,握的越紧伤的越重。

39、You can't get the warmth that doesn't belong to you.不属于自己的温暖,去奢求也是得不到。

40、Don't worry, I will slowly disappear in your memory.别着急,我会慢慢消失在你的记忆里。

41、Look up and cover up your vulnerability with the most beautiful radian.仰头,以最美的弧度掩饰自己的脆弱。

42、Drinking water can remind me of your days. I really got through it.喝口水都能想起你的日子,我还真熬过去了。

43、There is a language called sobbing.有一种语言,叫泣不成声。

44、We never said goodbye, but we never saw each other again.我们从没说再见,后来却再也没能再相见。

45、Actually, I mind a lot of things. I just smile and say it's okay.实,很多事我很介意,只是笑着说没关系。

46、The past is like smoke. I'll never see you again.往事如烟,从此再不相见。

47、Say good to do not break up lovers, why finally become strange.说好做不分手的恋人,为何最后变陌生。

48、The smell in the air swallowed up my thoughts.空气里弥漫的味道,吞噬着我的思绪。

49、Long and short in front of forever, who can see.长长短短眼前的永远,又有谁能看得见。

50、When I am in a low mood, I miss you by my side.在我心情低落的时候,好想你在我身边陪我。

51、That sweet process, very happy, really happy!那段甜蜜的过程,很幸福,真的很幸福!

52、Give me a blank, but I can't find the address.给我一个空白,却找不到寄出的地址。

53、In a week, you finally came back to me.一个礼拜的时间,你终于又回到我身边。

54、How strong a person's appearance is, how fragile his heart is.一个人的外表有多坚强,内心就有多脆弱。

55、The most difficult days have come through. In fact, it's good to be alone.最难的日子都熬过来了,其实一个人挺好的。

56、What can I do? I can't have and lose anyway.我又能怎样,反正拥有和失去都由不得我。

57、If the past is still worthy of attachment, don't let go of the past too soon.如果过去还值得眷恋,别太快冰释前嫌。

58、Never say good night to you like before.再也不可以跟以前那样,天天和你说晚安了。

59、You can give me the seriousness of playing games, and I love you deeply.你能给我玩游戏的那种认真,我便与你深爱。

60、The most painful pain is the wound we can't afford to talk about forever.最痛的痛,是我们永久都说起不起的伤口。

61、The last hug, the chaotic heartbeat, just like the first sight.最后的拥抱,混乱的心跳,恍如初见。

62、You don't look like shit, but shit looks like you.你张得不像屎,但屎挺像你的。

63、Living in a false society, why face it with your real self.活在虚假的社会,干嘛用真实的自己面对。

64、Feelings are nothing but bottomless holes. You throw all your tears and fill them with discontent.感情不过无底洞,你抛下全部眼泪都填不满。

65、What you can't go back is always unforgettable, such as love.回不去的总是让人难忘,比如爱情。

66、I want to have simple love and light happiness with you.想和你拥有简简单单的爱,平平淡淡的幸福。爱说啦

67、Don't always say that the future will be long. Wave and let the tea cool.别总说来日方长,挥手间人走茶凉。

68、Since you don't love me, you can roll as far as you can.既然不爱我,能有多有滚多远。

69、You have forgotten me, but I have insomnia in thinking of you.你遗忘了我,我却在想你中失眠。

70、We broke up. He just said I love you.我们分手了,他只说了一句我爱你。

71、The skin is like congealed fat, the face is like rosy clouds, the smile is like flowers, and thousands of white hair.肤若凝脂面如霞,笑颜如花千白发。

72、No matter how strong you are, someone will always be your fatal wound.无论你有多坚强,总会有人是你的致命伤。

73、A feeling that I don't want to accommodate anyone in my heart anymore.一种感觉,再也不想心里容下任何人。

74、No gain, no loss, no birth, no death.不得到就不会失去,不出生就不会死去。

75、With your full name remarks, go back to your public group!带着你的全名备注,滚回你的大众分组!

76、The eternal is time, and the memory is left to us.永恒不变的永远是时间,留给我们的是记忆。

77、It's really humble. I used to be arrogant.真的太卑微了,我以前明明很嚣张的。

78、When people no longer love each other, breaking up is very painful.当人们不再相爱时,分手是很痛苦的事。

79、If you don't fall in love in loneliness, you will fall in love in loneliness.不在寂寞中恋爱,就在寂寞中恋态。

80、Under the effect of alcohol, I feel dizzy, but my heart is painful.在酒精的作用下目眩神晕,心却是痛的。

81、I'm relieved to know you're not doing well.知道你过得不好,我就安心了。

82、Obviously care, but why pretend to be indifferent?明明很在乎,却又为什么要装做无所谓?