
2023年6月16日08:25:41关于爱情的英语句子已关闭评论 0

1、In the sadness of early summer, I stand in the sun and look at it endlessly.夏初的悲伤,我站在阳光下无尽的眺望。

1、In the sadness of early summer, I stand in the sun and look at it endlessly.夏初的悲伤,我站在阳光下无尽的眺望。

2、The stars and the moon are accompanied bit by bit.繁星与明月,是点点滴滴的相伴。

3、You know, the world is worth it, because you are the only one.你要知道,人间值得,因为只你一个。

4、Let the once gentle continue to warm the heart that is no longer hot.让曾经的温存,继续温暖着那颗不再火热的心。

5、Joyous life, pinellia tuber, aloes, acacia, Angelica sinensis.人生合欢,半夏沉香,相思子当归。

6、When the years are old, I still remember the beautiful oath between us.当岁月老去,依然记得我们之间的美好誓言。

7、You must not know that I used to like you so hopelessly.你一定不知道,我曾那样毫无指望的喜欢你。

8、Love is hidden in details, so is not love.爱都藏在细节里,不爱也是。

9、Without you, the world would be bleak.如果没有你,全世界暗淡无光。

10、The lake waves pour the old shadow, and the North remembers the old feelings.湖波倾旧影,北顾念旧情。

11、At that time, the heart was stronger than gold and stone, but today it is not strong for you.当时心比金石坚,今日为君坚不得。

12、Love you all your life, love is as deep as the sea, love is as hard as stone!爱你一生一世,情似海深,爱如石坚!

13、Would you like me? If you can't, learn it quickly.你会喜欢我吗?不会就赶紧学。

14、To be good to you, I pretend to be good to everyone.为了对你好,我假装对所有人都好。

15、Returning you to the crowd is sober and knowledgeable.把你归还于人海,是清醒也是知趣。

16、If there is a peach blossom garden in your heart, where is not between water and clouds.心中若有桃花源,何处不是水云间。

17、I just love you so much that I don't want you to be wronged.我只是太爱你,不想让你受委屈。

18、From the rough life, all the tenderness saved is only for you.从粗砺的一生中,攒尽所以的温柔都只留给你。

19、Mutual dependence is the deepest love.彼此依赖,才是最深的相爱。

20、Today's wind can't make people stable at all.今天的风,一点也没法让人稳重。

21、Once upon a time, before flowers and under the moon; Next year today, the ends of the earth.曾几何时,花前月下;明年今日,海角天涯。

22、There's no armor. With you, there's only weakness.哪有什么铠甲,有了你只有软肋啊。

23、Home is talking in the moonlight and helping in the sunset.家是月光下倾诉,也是夕阳里的搀扶。

24、Tell me the peach blossom doesn't have to bloom. The people I'm waiting for have come.告诉桃花不必开了,我等的人已经来了。

25、A word only whispers to you, that is to love you.一句话只对你低吟,那是爱你。

26、Yes, you called. Your cell phone is out of gas.对你来电了,手机没油了。

27、Happiness is to see a future with two eyes.幸福是,两双眼睛,看一个未来。

28、It's better to drink wine and grow old with your son. It's better to be quiet when playing zither and harp.宜言饮酒,与子偕老,琴瑟在御,莫不静好。

29、After you, I don't have the pain of taking my hand.在你之后,我没有拿的出手的痛苦。

30、You know, all my breath is the shape of love you.你知道吗,我呼出的气都是爱你的形状。

31、I haven't seen you for a long time. Come to my dream tonight.好久不见你了,今晚来我梦里吧。

32、A lie is told to the ear, but it moves the eyes.谎话说给耳朵听,却让眼睛动了情。

33、I haven't seen the stars since I saw your eyes.见过你的眼睛后,我就没看过星空。

34、Marry me and I'll spoil you for the rest of my life.嫁给我,后半生我来宠你。

35、The loneliest planet, because of you.最孤独的星球,因为有你才撞出了花火。

36、Like you, just like this day only increases but not decreases.对你的喜欢,就如同这日子只增不减。

37、Time is like running water. I am willing to go through this life with you.时光如流水一般,我愿意和你一起走过这一生。

38、Without tears, the heart is a dry lake.如果没有了眼泪,心是一片干涸的湖。

39、I love you, my beloved, it's you!我爱你,我心爱的人啊,就是你!

40、My wife is my treasure. I laugh because of you.老婆是我心头宝,因为有你我才笑。

41、Don't be too romantic for me.我不懂浪漫,望你不要嫌。

42、I'm worried about you.一悲一喜,为你牵肠挂肚。

43、Only when you are drunk can you know that the wine is strong, and only when you love is heavy.醉过才知酒浓,爱过方知情重。

44、Miss if there will be a sound, I'm afraid you're already deafening.想念如果会有声音,恐怕你早已震耳欲聋。

45、You dream of a person because that person is thinking of you.你梦到了一个人,是因为那个人在想你。

46、Every kind of trauma is another kind of maturity.每一种创伤,都是另一种成熟。

47、I would like to be the wild chrysanthemums in late autumn, blooming in your autumn dream.我愿是深秋的野菊,朵朵开在你吟秋的梦里。

48、Thunder in winter, rain and snow in summer, but dare to be unique with you.冬雷震震,夏雨雪,乃敢与君绝。

49、Since you betrayed me, why are you still dragging me?你既然背叛了,为什么还拖着我?

50、Looking at your cell phone number, I never had the courage to press it.看着你的手机号,我始终没有勇气按下去。

51、Whenever I feel super beautiful, I want to see you.每当觉得自己超级漂亮的时候,都想见你。

52、Like a person is not regardless of age, regardless of time.喜欢一个人是不是不分年纪,不分时间。

53、There are three thousand crows in the world, sleeping with you until dawn.世界上有三千乌鸦,与你同眠,直到天明。

54、Like is a hot heart, love is a pain in the heart.喜欢是心头一热,爱是心头一痛。

55、I confess to you to the sky that my love for you will never stop.我对着天空向你表白,对你的爱永远不会停息。

56、The two bravest things I've ever done are liking you and deciding to forget you.我做过最勇敢的两件事,喜欢你和决定忘记你。

57、There is only you in my heart. You are the only one I can't miss.心中只有你,你是不容错过的唯一。

58、Thank you for your indifference and knowing my selfishness.多谢你的不在乎、知道了我的自作多情。

59、Love is giving, not taking, love is understanding, not complaining.爱是付出不是索取,爱是理解不是埋怨。

60、Fasten your seat belt. There may be a love waiting for you ahead.系好安全带,前方也许有场爱情正等着你。

61、Three thousand lights for you and flowers for you!为你明灯三千,为你花开满城!

62、The direction you stand, the wind is warm.你站的方向,吹来的风都是暖的。

63、See you suddenly approaching, gentle voice, moving smile.看到你突然走近,温柔的声音,动人的笑颜。

64、Like is a perfect match, and love is willing to bow to the disadvantage.喜欢是棋逢对手,而爱,是甘拜下风。

65、I'm not good at words, but I always want to talk nonsense with you.我这样不善言辞的人,却总想和你废话连篇。

66、May love last forever and the moon never be short.愿爱长相依,月儿永无缺。爱说啦

67、Romantic, just want to be with you.浪漫飙升温度计,只想和你在一起。