
2023年7月18日19:15:34100句简短浪漫英语情话已关闭评论 0

1、After going through the plain and doubt, let’s get married.熬过平淡,走过怀疑,我们就结婚吧。

1、After going through the plain and doubt, let's get married.熬过平淡,走过怀疑,我们就结婚吧。

2、If he's not ugly, he should look good.他要是长的不难看,应该挺好看的。

3、I will coexist with you in every meaningful moment across the mountains and seas.我会在每个有意义的时刻,远隔山海与你共存。

4、When you lie in my arms one day, I won't stay up late.等你哪天躺在我怀里,我就不熬夜了。

5、I like you for more than two minutes. I can't withdraw it.喜欢你这件事超过两分钟了,无法撤回。

6、I'm cute. Would you like to consider taking me home.我很可爱的,你要不要考虑带我回家。

7、I like you, even if you don't like me.我喜欢你,就连你不喜欢我的这一点我都喜欢。

8、Make a favor and be willing to be generous for the rest of your life.许一人以偏爱,愿尽余生之慷慨。

9、I'm good at many things, but I'm not good at forgetting you.我擅长很多事情,唯独不擅长忘记你。

10、You can be confident. I'm yours. Don't be suspicious and suspicious.你可以自信一点我是你的不要猜忌和怀疑。

11、To tell you the bad news, I have impure thoughts about you.跟你说个坏消息,我对你的思想已经不纯洁了。

12、My stories are all about you.我的故事都是关于你啊。

13、I hope you are short-sighted and have only me in your eyes.希望你目光短浅,眼里只有我一个人。

14、Honey, I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?亲爱的,我喜欢你,做我女朋友好吗?

15、Wandering life, love one person, the breeze ten miles just want you.浪荡一生,钟情一人,微风十里只想要你。

16、Cans have a shelf life, but there is no upper limit to love you.罐头有保质期,但爱你没有上限。

17、Wise men don't fall in love. I'm a little fool.智者不入爱河,我是小笨蛋。

18、The best love is that two people are happy.最美好的爱情,莫过于两情相悦。

19、Two wishes: you are by your side, by your side.两个心愿:你在身边,在你身边。

20、I don't know what to kiss.有什么不懂的,尽管吻我。

21、I miss you. This one is only visible to you.我想你了。这条只对你可见。

22、See what the world is like, just see you.见什么世面,见你就好了。

23、You're Oreo. I'm milk. How are you?你是奥利奥,我是牛奶,我泡你好吗?

24、I don't know who's in the song. All I hear is you.我不知道歌里写的是谁,我听到的都是你。

25、You come against the light and deserve all the tenderness in the world.你逆光而来配得上这世间所有温柔。

26、I want to participate in all your romance.你的所有浪漫我都想参与。

27、Along the way, the scenery is not important, the important thing is that you are by my side.这一路走来,风景不重要,重要的是你在我身边。

28、The best thing I've ever done is to stick to you as always.我曾做过最好的事就是对你一如既往的坚持。

29、The most comfortable relationship between people is when they first meet.人与人最舒服的关系,就是刚认识的时候。

30、You are a natural beauty without makeup, and a fairy comes down to earth with makeup.你不化妆是天生丽质,化了妆是仙女下凡。

31、The main reason is that I am anxious to give you all the most luxurious tenderness to squander.主要是我急着把最奢侈的温柔,全部都交给你挥霍。

32、You object to this position, I want to sit firmly for a lifetime.你对象这个位置,我想牢牢坐一辈子。

33、Love you, from an invincible young girl to an old lady with missing teeth and white hair.爱你,从青春无敌美少女到缺牙白发老太太。

34、The script is very long. To make a long story short, I like you for a long time.剧本很长,我长话短说,我喜欢你,很久了。

35、Give you more warmth, let you rely on me from now on.给你多一些温暖,让你从此依赖我不走。

36、I want to accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress and spend the sunset together.想陪伴你从校服到婚纱,再一起共度夕阳。

37、I have so much in my life. I don't mind giving it all to you.我一生就这么多,不介意全部给你。

38、But my heart has been asking, with what to keep you forever.只是我的心一直在问,用什么把你永久留下。

39、May every meteor in the sky shine in the sky for you.愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。

40、You are the rest of my life.余光是你,余生也是你。

41、I can't hide from you on the first day of junior high school.躲得了初一,躲不过你。

42、The moment you enter my heart, no one can compare with you.你走进我心里的那一刻,就没有人能和你比。

43、I copied all the love words, but it's true to tell you.情话都是我抄来的,但想说给你听是真的。

44、Since I met you, life is short and sweet.自从遇见你,人生苦短,甜长。

45、I don't care about the fleeting world, I only care about you.我不在乎浮光掠影的尘世,我只在乎你。

46、Thanks for time, you always love me, I always love you.承蒙时光不弃,你一直爱,我一直在。

47、Each flower into each eye, you into my eye.各花入各眼,你入我的眼。

48、I'm a good thing. I hope you have one too.老子是个好东西,希望你也有一个。

49、The car window was foggy and your name was written.那次车窗起雾,写的是你名字。

50、Today's Arbor Day, I want to fall on your hand.今天植树节,我想栽倒在你手上。

51、What else can I do for someone like you besides liking you?像你这样的人,我除了喜欢你,我还能有什么办法?

52、Of all the scenery that has changed, I like you best.在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。

53、I'm not afraid of everything else in the future.如果我的未来有你在,其他一切我都不怕了。

54、I don't know if I need reason to love you. If you are here, it is reason.爱你需不需要道理不知道,你在,就是道理。

55、If you are the sun, I am the moon! We follow the sun and the moon.你如果是太阳,我就是月亮!咱俩日月相随。

56、I am willing to be your warmest haven.我愿意做你最温馨的避风港。

57、Control your temper, don't think too much, don't stay up late, and laugh often.控制住脾气,不要想太多,不要熬夜,要经常笑。

58、I have a secret that I need to tell you mouth to mouth.我有个秘密,需要嘴对嘴告诉你。

59、I want to break into your youth and warm the rest of your life.我想闯进你的青春,也想温暖你的余生。

60、Invite you to participate in my life game and start the two-color mode of love copy.邀请你参与我的人生游戏,开启恋爱副本双色模式。

61、I have a blatant preference for you, and I like you carefully.我对你是明目张胆的偏爱,和小心翼翼的喜欢。

62、You came at the winter solstice, but the wind stopped on your eyebrows. I came a little late.你来时冬至,但眉上风止,开口是我来的稍迟。

63、You will shine in the center of thousands of people.你在万人中央,会发光。

64、In fact, I've been behind you all the time, so I need you to look back.其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

65、I am not a gentle person, but I am willing to do everything gentle for you.我不是会温柔的人,但我愿意为你做尽温柔事。

66、I can wait for you another autumn, but you must come in winter.我可以再等你一个秋天,但冬天你一定要来。爱说啦

67、My biggest dream is to be your dream.我最大的梦想就是成为你的梦想。

68、The eyes are raining for her, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her. This is love.眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。

69、There are five kinds of miscellaneous grains in the world, but you are sweet and moving.世间五味杂粮,唯独你是甜蜜动人。

70、No matter how much you hate me, I love you unconditionally.不管你对我有多么的讨厌,我都无条件的爱你。

71、I will firmly remember your face, and I will cherish your thoughts.我会牢牢记住你的脸,我会珍惜你给的思念。

72、I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I have you who love me.我很傻,我很笨,我有爱我的你。

73、Drop endless Acacia blood and tears, throw red beans, open endless spring willows and spring flowers all over the painting building.滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。

74、Want to lie on the soft clouds filled with stars and bears and take a nap.想要趴在摆满星星和小熊的绵软云朵上,打个盹。

75、Stay together and watch the sunset hand in hand.好好在一起,以后手牵手一起去看日落。

76、Two way rush, heartbeat signal.双向的奔赴,心动的信号。

77、Your lips are beautiful, suitable for saying you love me and kissing me.你的嘴唇很好看,适合说爱我,也适合亲我。

78、The day I met you, I never thought of leaving.遇见你那天,我从未想过要离开。

79、You are still so beautiful that I'm afraid I don't deserve you.你还是这么漂亮,我都怕自己配不上你了。

80、People I like don't like me.我喜欢的人,不喜欢我。

81、I've only been in love once. I mean, I only love you.我只谈过一次恋爱,我的意思是我只爱你一个人。

82、More than Tanabata, I want to be with you day and night.何止七夕,想和你朝夕都在一起。

83、It's only when you're around that you have it, and it's only when you're used to it that you'll last long.陪在身边才算拥有,爱到习惯才会长久。

84、The sense of security given by anyone can't be compared with that given by oneself.任何人给的安全感,都比不上自己给的安心。

85、There are many dazzling people, but you are the only one who can flash to me.耀眼的人有很多,可闪到我的只有你一个。

86、Quarrels are inevitable, but love always makes up.争吵无法避免,但相爱总能和好。

87、In life, the most reluctant page is always hidden the deepest.生命里,最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深。

88、Blush is you, heartbeat is you, my eyes are only you.脸红是你,心跳是你,我的眼里只有你。

89、Talk to others, talk to ghosts, and say sweet words when you see you.见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话,见你要说甜甜的话。

90、Hearing of you in the distance, I set off to travel thousands of miles.听闻远方有你,动身跋涉千里。

91、When I think of spending the rest of my life with you, I look forward to the rest of my life.一想到余生与你共度,我就对余生充满期待。

92、How many times have I told you? It's no use complaining. You have to hold me.我跟你说了多少次了啊,抱怨没用,你得抱我啊。

93、Call your name and feel warm.呼唤你的名字,感觉温馨。

94、I love you more than yesterday.我爱你甚于昨日,略匮明朝。

95、Life is short. I need your sugar.人生苦短,我缺你这块糖。

96、I miss the shining sea in your body.我想念你身体里波光万倾的海。

97、Don't let me see you, or I'll see you once and like you once.不要让我看见你,不然见一次,喜欢一次。

98、People who can't forget are like stars, which are special at night.忘不掉的人像是星星,到了晚上才显得特别。