
2023年6月11日10:17:43有气质的英文短句已关闭评论 0

1、If you have a dream, don’t go. If you’re right, don’t bow to anyone.有梦就别走,没有错就不向谁低头。

1、If you have a dream, don't go. If you're right, don't bow to anyone.有梦就别走,没有错就不向谁低头。

2、For some people, work is the cure for grief.对于某些人来说,工作是医治悲伤的良药。

3、Even after countless causes and effects, this love still has a surplus.更想无数因果后,这爱仍有盈余。

4、Women are like flowers and paintings; Women are like flowers and poems.女人如花,亦如画;女人如花,亦如诗。

5、Don't take yourself too high. You can leave anyone in this world.别把自己看得太高,这个世界离开谁都行。

6、I am my own sun, without anyone's light.我就是自己的太阳,无须凭借谁的光。

7、If it's not because I love you, how can I sigh inadvertently.若不是因为爱着你,怎会不经意就叹息。

8、Ups and downs, because the heart is sincere, you and I are connected.风风雨雨,因为心诚,你我相通。

9、The process of growth is actually the process of continuous collapse and reconstruction of the world outlook.成长的过程其实就是世界观不断崩塌重建的过程。

10、Life is like this. Gains and losses are changeable, and misfortunes and blessings depend on each other.人生就是这样,得失无常,祸福互倚。

11、Life is not for money, but for more smiles and happiness.生活不是为了理财,而是为更多的微笑和快乐。

12、Everything in the world has a 50-50 chance.这个世界上所有的事情都是五五开的机率。

13、Don't believe in a moment's feeling, remember the feeling all the time.不要相信一x的感觉,要记住一直的感受。

14、Only when we dare to face the reality and take responsibility can we make continuous progress.敢于面对现实,勇于承担责任,才会不断进步。

15、How dare you enter prosperity when you are poor all your life, and how dare you miss a beautiful woman when you have clean hands.一生清贫怎敢入繁华,两袖清风怎敢误佳人。

16、Winter has come, can spring be far behind?冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?

17、Don't be controlled by others. It is yourself that determines your destiny.人生不要被别人控制,决定你命运的,是自己。

18、The pace of pursuit should be like time. It can only advance but not retreat.追求的脚步应该像时间一样,只能进不能退。

19、When someone says you are a fool, it proves that you are not far from success.当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。

20、Never assume, never force, let it be.永不假设,永不强求,顺其自然。

21、Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep your balance, you have to move forward.人生就像骑自行车,想保持平衡就得往前走。

22、As long as we are willing to do it, there is nothing impossible in the world.只要我们甘愿去做,天下就没有办不成的事。

23、Integrity depends on the law, and the law depends on integrity and compliance.诚信要靠法律维系,法律要靠诚信遵守。

24、It's the least talented person to come to the door at an old age. Xiao Hua's hair reflects gold.晚岁登门最不才,萧萧华发映金。

25、The brightest place will leave the darkest shadow.最亮的地方,会留下最黑的阴影。

26、The old time is also a kiss of life.旧时光亦是生命,眷顾与赐予的吻痕。

27、At our age, money and looks determine too many things.在我们这个年纪,金钱和长相决定了太多东西。

28、Control your temper and be a cultured person.控制自己的脾气,做一个有修养的人。

29、Love you, let me prefer to live in a lie all my life.爱你,让我宁愿一辈子住在谎言里。

30、Hometown Road, hometown feeling, hometown has my childhood dream.故乡的路,故乡的情,故乡有我童年的梦。

31、Dreams are thoughts worth every child's sorrow all the time.梦想是值得每个孩子每时每刻忧伤的念头。

32、All problems are ultimately a matter of time.一切问题,最终都是时间问题。

33、You should be quiet, excellent and quietly strong.你要安静的优秀,悄无声息的坚强。

34、People always believe in something when they live, and I believe in you.人活着总要相信些什么,而我,相信你。

35、On the road of life, there will always be people coming and going.人生路上,总会有人来,也会有人走。

36、I have to look at you. I'm appreciating the flowers. The flowers reflect the water, and the color is empty.我非看你,我在赏花,花映水中,色本是空。

37、Who is bad, who is good, all blame is too high expectations.是谁差,是谁好,都只怪寄望太高。

38、Evil words do not come from the mouth, and angry words do not turn back on the body.恶言不出于口,忿言不反于身。

39、The sunset is boundless and the river is endless. I have to be busy today.落日无边江不尽,此身此日更须忙。

40、The difficulty of life lies in seeking truth from facts, and the most important thing is to overcome yourself.人生难在实事求是,贵在战胜自己。

41、If you want to, be ambitious; Work hard and keep your feet on the ground.想,要壮志凌云;干,要脚踏实地。

42、Philosophy cannot be taught. Philosophy is always the cause of thinkers.哲学无法教授,哲学永远是思想者的事业。

43、It's better to be stuck in a chair than to sit in a chair.与其说坐在椅子里,还不如说是陷在椅子里。

44、Maybe your love for one day can be exchanged for others' lifelong gratitude.可能你一天的爱心,可以换来别人一生的感激。

45、The full moon is a poem, the lack of the moon is a flower, looking up is spring, looking down is autumn.月圆是诗,月缺是花,仰首是春,俯首是秋。

46、Maybe missing a moment is missing a lifetime.也许错过一瞬,就是错过一世。

47、One sun a day ignites new hope.一天一个太阳,点燃新的希望。

48、Time never answers, life never makes noise.时间从不回答,生命从不喧哗。

49、If there is any victory, holding on means everything.有什么胜利可言,挺住就意味着一切。

50、Keep it in mind; Every day is the best day of the year.要铭记在心;每天都是一年中最美好的日子。

51、Every heart needs love, tenderness, generosity and understanding.每颗心需要爱,需要温柔,大方,需要理解。

52、The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and it is difficult for black hair to stay white.长江后浪推前浪,黑发难留到白头。

53、The slowest step in life is not to be slow, but to rely on and linger.人生最慢的步伐,不是缓慢,而是依赖与徘徊。

54、It's a pity to think of you many years later, but it's also a joy.多年以后回想起你,是遗憾,却也心生欢喜。

55、Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass yourself.生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。

56、The last thing you need for every big truth is the trust of others.每一句大实话最不需要的就是别人的相信。

57、When I miss you, do you happen to be thinking of me.想你的时候,你会不会也刚好正在想我。

58、There are principles and bottom lines in life, and there is no square without rules.做人有原则底线,无规矩不成方圆。

59、Life will not be all right, life is not all right.生活不会都如意,人生不是都顺心。

60、The posture of willows and cattails, looking at autumn and zero; The quality of pine and cypress is luxuriant after frost.蒲柳之姿,望秋而零;松柏之质,经霜弥茂。

61、Face the most difficult parting with a laid down heart.以放下的心,面对最难的割舍。

62、To like someone is to run wild, but to love someone is to restrain.喜欢就会放肆,但爱就是克制。

63、Books are the road signs of life. They guide our lives.书就是人生的路标,他指引着我们的人生。

64、Flowers have a day of reopening, people who are old and young again.花有重开日,人老何曾再少年。

65、Spring flowers still smile, I don't know where the peach face is.人面不知何处在,桃花依旧笑春风。