
2023年6月11日13:58:53人生哲理的句子经典英语已关闭评论 0

1、Bad things have passed, and all that remains is good luck.糟糕的过去了,剩下的就是好运气了。

1、Bad things have passed, and all that remains is good luck.糟糕的过去了,剩下的就是好运气了。

2、We are not born women, but become women.我们不是天生就是女人的,而是变成女人的。

3、It's not that I don't hate, it's that I don't have the courage to hate.不是我不去恨,是我没有胆量去恨。

4、Who has not been hurt, who has not shed tears, men are difficult, men are bitter.谁没受过伤,谁没流过泪,男人难,男人苦。

5、Some roads, you must walk alone, this is not lonely, but choice.有的路,你必须一个人走,这不是孤独,而是选择。

6、Love is the fruit that everyone can get all year round.爱情是一年四季都每个人能得到的果实。

7、No one is entitled to laugh at your dreams.没有人有资格嘲笑你的梦想。

8、Happiness is like perfume. When you sprinkle it on others, you will also get a little of it on yourself.快乐就像香水,洒在别人身上的同时,自己也会沾上一点。

9、Those things we avoid talking about eventually become our sharp weapon to hurt each other.那些我们避而不谈的事,最终成为我们伤害对方的利器。

10、You are too weak to succeed. There are so many reasons.成功不了就是你太弱了,哪来那么多原因。

11、Not because I have been persistent, but because you are worth waiting for.不是因为我一直在执着,而是因为你是值得我去等待的。

12、May you be less hurt when you are stubborn, and may things be human when you wake up.愿你执迷不悟时少受点伤,愿你幡然醒悟时物是人是。

13、Life is like a red hot iron bar, which needs to be tempered to get better.人生就像一块烧红的铁条,需要千锤百炼才能走好。

14、Some feelings are too repressed, so we need to find a way to release them.有些感情,太压抑了,便要找一种方法释放出来。

15、More and more people lament that life is not easy, and we should cherish it.越来越多的人感叹,生活不易,且行且珍惜。

16、May each heartache be distressed, and each indifference be replaced by gentleness.愿每份心酸都有人心疼,愿每份冷漠都被温柔替代。

17、An excellent heart need not be magnificent, but must be firm.优等的心,不必华丽,但必须坚固。

18、Obviously not a stranger, but pretended to be more strange than a stranger.明明不是陌生人,却装的,比陌生人,还要陌生。

19、The road to success is not crowded, because there are too few people who insist.成功的路上并不拥挤,因为坚持的人太少。

20、The difficulties are largely caused by laziness.困难在很大程度上是懒惰造成的。

21、If easy, white young head, empty sad.若等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。

22、Honesty is better than all wisdom, because it is the basic condition of wisdom.诚实比一切智谋更好,因为它是智谋的基本条件。

23、Words carry my feelings and dreams. They travel leisurely through the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Ming and Qing Dynasties.文字载着我的情和梦,它穿越唐宋,横贯明清,悠然的行走。

24、Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the wind and rain.人生不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

25、To love because of loneliness often leads to deeper and hopeless loneliness.因为寂寞才去爱,往往会陷入更深更深无可救药的寂寞中。

26、After the baptism of the storm, the world has become more thorough.经过狂风暴雨的洗礼,世界变得更透彻。

27、The seed is the last fruit; Effort is success in the end; To give up is to fail.种子最后是果实;努力最后是成功;放弃最后是失败。

28、From now on, if you go alone, you will never look back without friends.从今以后一个人走,没有朋友也不再回头。

29、I want to have the freedom to be myself and the courage to be myself.我要有能做我自己的自由,和敢做我自己的胆量。

30、The tiger is bullied by the dog and the dragon is trapped in the shallows by the shrimp.虎落平阳被犬欺,龙困浅滩遭虾戏。

31、Don't regret that the previous efforts need to be redone. Some roads are doomed to be missed.不要惋惜以前的努力需要重来、有些路,注定不能省略。

32、Taking advantage of others is the beginning of our trouble.占别人的便宜,就是我们惹祸的开始。

33、God gives life to people, so God loves all people.上帝赋予了人生命,那么上帝爱所有的人。

34、There is nothing wrong in this world. Who makes you look bad and have no money.这个世界没有错,谁让你长得不好看又没钱。

35、Everyone will get hurt on the road of growth. We have just set sail and must learn to be strong.成长道路谁都会受伤,我们才刚刚起航,必须学会坚强。

36、Ignorance destroys man, knowledge discolors man.无知使人毁灭,知识使人生色。

37、The most reliable shoulders and hands in the world grow on themselves.世上最牢靠的,肩膀与双手,就长在自己身上。

38、The past events are written back and forth, which is my inspiration for finding people. Even the audience has only themselves.往事写来写去,是我写的寻人启示,连观众都只有自己。

39、I was born poor, but I must not die poor.我生来一贫如洗,但决不能死时仍旧贫困潦倒。

40、Obviously all know that is a lie, but I will still be moved.明明都知道那都是谎言,可是我还是会被感动。

41、Rather than compromise and forbearance, it is better to find your original temper.与其妥协忍让,不如找回自己原本的脾气。

42、Friends say that lovelorn is not losing a relationship, but losing a habit.朋友说,失恋不是失去一段感情,而是失去一种习惯。

43、If you can't stop the tears of sadness, then use silence to ensure the last dignity.如果无法阻止悲伤的眼泪,那么之前用沉默保证最后的尊严。

44、Why should we live so hard, because it is worth it.为什么我们要活得如此辛苦,因为值得。

45、No matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sun.天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。

46、Don't lose your happiness with unimportant people.别在不重要的人那里,丢掉了你的快乐。

47、Sleep: nap to get tired, sleep takes time, sleepiness has problems.睡:小睡去疲倦,大睡费时间,嗜睡有毛病。

48、The environment will not change. The solution lies in changing yourself.环境不会改变,解决之道在于改变自我。

49、Four hardships in life: unable to see through, reluctant to part with, unable to afford to lose, and unable to let go.人生四苦:看不透、舍不得、输不起、放不下。

50、His mind is only full of himself. This kind of person is the most empty one.自己脑子里只装满了自己,这种人正是那种最空虚的人。

51、Friendship is further love, and stepping back is unfeeling, so I choose to stay where I am.友谊,进一步是爱情,退一步是绝情,所以我选择原地不动。

52、Bitter, holding on to their teeth; Tired, I tried my best to carry it.苦了、自己咬着牙撑着;累了、自己拼了命扛着。

53、If you don't read all the books in the world, you can't compare with the people in the world.不尽读天下书,不能相天下之士。

54、Even if youth is a mistake, it is also a mistake that can be corrected quickly.即使青春是一种错误,也是一种迅速得到纠正的错误。

55、The greatest enemy of life is cowardice.人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。

56、Don't complain that the starting point is too low. That's just the starting point.不要抱怨起点太低,那只是我们出发的原点。

57、The woman who treats me badly curses you for being sucked up by hushubao, aunt.对我不好的女人,诅咒你被护舒宝吸干大姨妈。

58、If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry happiness.要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给幸福。

59、Don't know I'll wait for you, just hang me there.别知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。

60、The people who can really accompany you to the end are those who treat you well.真正能陪你到最后的人,都是那些对你好的人。

61、Without you, even if you give me the world, I still have nothing.没有你,就算把世界给我,我还是一无所有。

62、Without the feeling of love, a rose is just a flower.没有爱的感觉,玫瑰仅仅是一朵花。

63、Because it's really hard to forget you. I love you with an iron heart.因为想要把你忘记真的好难,好舍不得。我是铁了心的爱你。

64、There is a kind of heartache, once thought it was a loved one, but in the end it was strange like a passer-by.有一种心痛,曾以为是深爱的人,到最后却陌生如同路人。

65、The remnant lamp of the night lights up the lamp of the soul, the emptiness of time and the darkness of wasted time.夜的残灯点亮心灵的灯盏,时光的空洞蹉跎岁月的晦暗。

66、The essence of fashion is to kidnap a woman's head and then ask for a man's purse.时尚的本质就是绑架女人的脑袋,然后索求男人的腰包。

67、Things are always changing, friends are always leaving.事情总在改变,朋友总在离去。爱说啦

68、Don't always torture yourself with the past.别总是拿过去来折磨现在的自己。

69、If I forget someone, I will forget you without hesitation.如果让我忘记一个人忘记一个人,我会毫不犹豫的忘记你。

70、The leaf of memory is the muck of life. I dare to be stubborn.回忆之叶,粪土人生。我敢固执。

71、If you don't work hard enough, how can you go to the farthest place.如果不够努力,怎么能去到最远的地方。

72、A conscientious worker, a caring boss, and a caring colleague.做工作的有心人,老板的贴心人,同事的关心人。

73、Life is a marathon. We need positive energy to supplement our physical strength at any time.人生是一场马拉松长跑,我们随时需要正能量来补充体力。

74、I tell you, I am very stingy, even hate will not give you!我告诉你,我很吝啬,连恨都不会给你!

75、We have no reason to despise any pleasant mistake.凡是令人愉悦的失误,我们没理由轻视它。

76、Envy is a knife. In the end, it will only be you who will be hurt.嫉妒就是一把刀,到头来受伤害的,只会是自己。

77、Sunflowers will open even if they can't see the sun, and they should persist even if they can't see hope in life.向日葵看不到太阳也会开放,生活看不到希望也要坚持。

78、I don't blame you for breaking up. I only blame myself for not being able to make you like me.分手,我不怪你,我只怪我自己没办法让你喜欢我。

79、Learn the wisdom of dandelion. When the wind blows, it will fly. When the wind is calm, it will be quiet.学学蒲公英的智慧,风吹即飘扬,风平则静安。

80、Anything that can't kill you will eventually make you stronger.但凡不能杀死你的,最终都会使你更强大。