
2023年6月11日14:17:41英语表达爱情的经典句子已关闭评论 0

1、Give you all my warmth and take off the only windproof clothes.给你我所有的温暖,脱下唯一挡风的衣衫。

1、Give you all my warmth and take off the only windproof clothes.给你我所有的温暖,脱下唯一挡风的衣衫。

2、Thank you for spoiling me into a child.谢谢你,把我宠成了一个孩子。

3、I'm more afraid of your sadness and frowning than darkness and ghosts.比起天黑和鬼,我更怕你心酸和皱眉。

4、The book that loves you is written with a pen and cannot be erased with an eraser.爱你的书是钢笔写的,橡皮擦擦不掉。

5、The wicked obey because of fear, and the good obey because of love.恶人因为怕而顺从,善人因为爱而服从。

6、You can't stop the tide from rising and falling, but you can learn to ride the wind and waves.你无法阻止潮起潮落,但你可以学会乘风破浪。

7、Let me tell you loudly: baby, I love you!让我大声告诉你:宝贝,我爱你!

8、Youth is to bear all the injuries, then be strong, and then grow up.青春,是承受一切的伤,然后坚强,然后成长。

9、In fact, you don't understand my time is used to miss.其实你不懂我的时间,都是用来思念。

10、Only when you are plain and light will you cherish the surprises of life.平平淡淡,才会更加珍惜生活给的惊喜。

11、Who can understand the words on the screen and the tears on the keyboard.屏幕上的字,键盘上的泪,又有谁能够理解。

12、Between the moonlight and snow, you are the third unique color in the world.月色与雪色之间,你是人间第三种绝色。

13、When drinking tea with you, you can make the light tea strong.和你在一起喝茶的时候,能把淡茶喝浓了。

14、Dear, I love you. I wish you and me to grow old together!亲爱的,我爱你,愿你我偕手到白头!

15、Follow the happy beat and invite you to romance.踏着开心的节拍,邀你共赴浪漫。

16、Happy life, love forever.快乐一辈子,恩爱到永远。

17、Meekness is the treasure of the world, and meekness is yours.温顺是人间的宝藏,而你是人间的温顺。

18、I'll miss you because I have to break up with you every night.我会想你的,因为每个夜晚我不得不和你分手。

19、No matter where you are, my love is always with you.无论你身在那里,我的爱始终与你相伴。

20、I don't miss you at all. I'll think about it at 1:30!我一点也不想你,一点半再想!

21、Don't point to the sky because of a cloud and say there is no sun.不要因为一片云,就指着天空说没太阳。

22、I was invincible, but you are 101.我本是百毒不侵,偏偏你是一百零一。

23、If you go the wrong way, I'll make a way.如果你走错了路,我会开出一条路来。

24、You're not like yourself anymore. You're a little like my boyfriend.你越来越不像自己了,有点像我男朋友。

25、Fear what truth is infinite, into an inch into an inch of joy.怕什么真理无穷,进一寸有进一寸的欢喜。

26、The whole world can scold me. You can't. You have to get used to me.全世界都可以骂我,你不行,你得惯着我。

27、How can you bear to leave me and give up the street we walked through!怎么忍心离开我,放弃我们走过的街!

28、I want to do on you what spring does to the cherry tree.我要在你身上做,春天对樱花树做的事情。

29、Love is always together, I would like to grow old with you forever!相爱永远在一起,我愿与你白头偕老!

30、Look up at the moon, lower... Lower your head and kiss me.举头望明月,低…低头亲亲我嘛。

31、What's ugly? I think you're the best.哪里丑了,我觉得你是最好看的。

32、I've been sleeping badly recently. You'd better move here.最近睡得很坏,最好你搬过来。

33、I miss it. You don't miss it anymore.我在怀念,你不再怀念的。

34、Live less and less like yourself, like your wife.活得越来越不像自己了,像你老婆。

35、A road, winding and winding, snuggling up and holding each other, pursuing the end of love.一条路,曲折蜿蜒,依偎相扶追寻爱的终点。

36、The night I met you, the moon and I couldn't sleep.遇见你的那个夜晚,我和月亮都睡不着。

37、A red bean, a love affair.一粒红豆,一份相思情。

38、I'll accompany you when you come, and I'll see you off when you go.你来我陪你,你走我送你。

39、Obviously, there are no taboos, but you are the 101st.明明早已百无禁忌,偏偏你是第一百零一。

40、I can be cool or cute, it's up to you.我可以很酷也可以很可爱,取决于你。

41、My heart is so small that I can only hold the next you!我的心很小,只装得下一个你!

42、You didn't mean to cross the wind, but you caused mountain torrents.你是无意穿堂风,偏偏引山洪。

43、I won't say a lot of intoxicating love words, but I just want to take you home.我不会说很多醉人的情话,但我只想带你回家。

44、You are responsible for happiness every day, and I am responsible for loving you forever.你负责快乐天天,我负责爱你永远。

45、We are old. I'll wait for you in the afterlife.我们老了,我在来生等你。

46、I have nothing to talk to you about except love.我除了恋爱,没什么好和你谈的。

47、Thank you for meeting you. Even if there is no future, no future.遇见你,感激。就算没有未来、没有以后。

48、Among my many expectations for the future, of course, you are also included.我对未来的诸多期待中,当然也包括你。

49、I burn my heart into a flame and let you sleep with warmth in your arms.我把心燃成火焰,让怕黑的你拥着温暖入眠。

50、Dear, good afternoon. May you be happy every minute and every second.亲爱的,下午好,愿你快乐每一分、每一秒。

51、Don't bother to explain who you are to others, just say you are mine.懒得向别人解释你是谁,直接说你是我的。

52、My loveliness is only for you, and my courage is only for you.我的可爱只给你,我的勇气只为你。

53、Without you, my world has no color.没有你,我的世界没有色彩。

54、Quietly waiting for you for a long time, you didn't come, but I'm used to waiting.悄悄等你了很久,你没来,我却习惯了等待。

55、You are a sugar added secretly in this day of boiled water.你是这白开水般的日子里,偷偷加的一颗糖。

56、It's troublesome to fall in love. I'll trouble you in the future!谈恋爱挺麻烦的,以后就麻烦你啦!

57、I have more than 80 kinds of spicy strips. Do you want to consider being my boyfriend?我有80多种小辣条,要不要考虑做我男朋友?

58、Those unspeakable thoughts finally boil into dark circles under the eyes.那些说不出口的思念,最后都熬成了黑眼圈。

59、You promised me three generations of fireworks, and now there is only one lifetime of confusion.你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。

60、Can I say it here. I want to find a girlfriend.我可以不可以在这里说。我想找个女友。

61、The breeze is moist and the tea smoke is light. Revisit old dreams, old friends have gone.清风湿润,茶烟轻扬。重温旧梦,故人已去。

62、Monopolize your peerless face, have you and have the world.独占你绝世的容颜,拥有你便拥有全世界。

63、You are my favorite at the age of 17 and my favorite at the age of 70.你是我十七岁的喜欢,七十岁的最爱。

64、In my busy days, you are the one I care about most.在我自顾不暇的日子里,最牵挂的人是你。

65、If you don't love, break up and get together.不爱了,就分手,好聚好散。

66、Really, what if I lose you and win the world?真的,输了你,赢了世界又如何?爱说啦

67、I love you all my life. I only love you for two days, day and night.我爱你,一生我只爱你两天,白天黑夜。

68、I won't love until I meet you. I lose love after I miss you.遇见你之前我不会爱,错过你之后我丧失爱。