
2023年6月19日15:46:42原耽里的英文句子已关闭评论 0

1、I’ll wait for you in the future, do it and cherish it.我在未来等你,且行且珍惜。2、Not every time you run away, you can go back.不是每一次出走,都还能再回去的。

1、I'll wait for you in the future, do it and cherish it.我在未来等你,且行且珍惜。

2、Not every time you run away, you can go back.不是每一次出走,都还能再回去的。

3、Your highness, I will always be your most loyal believer.殿下,我永远是您最忠诚的信徒。

4、Originally, there is a kind of love, which is a knife inserted in the heart.原来有一种爱情,是插在心上的刀。

5、Those who respect others will always respect them; Those who humiliate others will always humiliate them.敬人者人恒敬之;辱人者,人恒辱之。

6、I thought we should go the same way, but I didn't want to go the same way.原以为殊途同归,却不想同道殊途。

7、You're so nice. I like you.你特别好,我喜欢你。

8、Don't you understand? This is the power of love.你不懂么?这就是爱的力量。

9、The mountains are high and the water is far away. The days are still long. I'm waiting for you.山高水远,日子还长,我等着你。

10、I like you for a long time.我喜欢你,已经很长时间了。

11、My emperor has abused me thousands of times. I treat my emperor like my first love.吾皇虐我千百遍,我待吾皇如初恋。

12、The crane said goodbye to the green mountain, and there were no peach blossoms this spring.鹤别青山,今春不见桃花。

13、Learn to forget pain and make room for sunshine memory.学会忘记痛苦,为阳光记忆腾出空间。

14、Thousands of feet of abyss, less than a handful of peach blossom pool in my heart.千丈深渊,未及心上一捧桃花潭。

15、People don't need to be saved by you. They don't deserve it.苍生根本不需要被你拯救,他们不配。

16、Xialan's name means guarding, silently guarding.侠岚之名意味着守护,默默的守护。

17、I'm far away from home. I was originally a match.我同归远,原本是门当户对的。

18、There are many things in the world that you can't do.世上有很多事,你是无能为力的。

19、God, please wait for me, wait for me.神啊,请你等等我,等等我吧。

20、Dreams are things that disappear when you wake up.梦这种东西,醒来之后就会消失。

21、With your future, I will run in the past.有你的未来,我会跑着过去。

22、The heart that wants to live pollutes the prayer that lives.想活下去的心,污染了活下去的祈祷。

23、Thought it was a first meeting, but actually it was a reunion.以为是初见,其实是重逢。

24、The rain brought the taste of the distant sky.雨水带来了,遥不可及的天空的味道。

25、I will. I did it fifty years ago.我愿意呀,五十年前就愿意了。

26、Hold an umbrella in one hand and hold him in the other.一手撑伞,一手牵他。

27、Time does not consume us, but completes us.时间不是消耗我们,而是完成我们。

28、Everyone must learn to grow up alone after all.每个人,终究要学会一个人独自长大。

29、I can't see the happiness of others!别人的幸福,我看不上!

30、My soul has been running in the dark, always.我的灵魂一直在黑暗中奔跑,一直。

31、The more you try to forget, the more you remember.越是试着忘记,越是记得深刻。

32、I am invincible and omnipotent.我无坚不摧,也无所不能。

33、Xue Chengmei is also evil and pitiful. Half his life is evil and half his life is infatuated.亦恶亦怜薛成美,半生恶尽半生痴。

34、One flower, one world, one wood, one floating dust.一花一世界,一木一浮尘。

35、You come against the light and deserve all the good in the world.你逆光而来,配得上这世间所有的好。

36、Well, Mrs. law has been waiting for a long time.嗯,劳夫人久等了。

37、Well, Kawasaki, why did you change your hairstyle?那个,川井,你为什么要换发型?

38、As long as I am here, you are the strongest.只要有我在,你就是最强的。

39、You can't change the environment, but you can change yourself.你改变不了环境,但你可以改变自己。

40、That's not enough to break my soul.就这点程度,还不足以折断我的灵魂。

41、Why do humans rely on each other and quarrel again.人类为什么互相依靠却又再次争吵。

42、I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know!我不知道,我不知道,我真的不知道!

43、The deepest pain is to recall the happy time.最深的痛苦,莫过于回忆幸福的时光。

44、Just get out. I can roll best. Don't send me!滚就滚。我最会滚了。不用送我!

45、You have light on you. I'll catch it and have a look.你身上有光,我抓来看看。

46、Everything will be all right, you know.一切都会好起来的,你知道的。

47、In the afterlife, you will know the sky, the earth and the stars.愿来世,你晓天,晓地,晓星尘。

48、All I want is TuShan Susu!我想要的,只有涂山苏苏而已!

49、Having loved it doesn't mean you'll always like it.曾经喜欢过,又不代表永远都会喜欢。

50、Yellow leaves spread all over the ground, we are no longer young.黄叶铺满地,我们已不再年轻。

51、It's not me, it's the world.错的不是我,是这个世界。

52、Heaven and earth are the game, and all living beings are the chess.天地为局,众生为棋。

53、Time took everything, but not me.时光带走了一切,惟独没有带走我。

54、I've been crazy since the day I met you.从我认识你那天起,我就已经疯了。

55、If you have good intentions, you will meet angels on your way.心存善意,定能途遇天使。

56、Being pulled up is different from standing up.被人拉起来,跟自己站起来是两码事。

57、I like rain. Because it brings the smell of the sky.我喜欢雨。因为它带来天空的味道。

58、I'd rather be hurt than hurt others.与其伤害别人,我宁愿被伤害。

59、The process failed and the result was unexpected.过程很失败,结果很意外。

60、When he wakes up, say sorry, it's not your fault.待他醒来,说对不起,错不在你。

61、Strangers are like jade, and the childe is unparalleled in the world.陌上人如玉,公子世无双。

62、The rain that falls just happens to snuggle together.恰好落的雨,又恰好依偎在一起。

63、If there is no separation, growth will have no attachment.如果没有别离,成长也就无所附丽。

64、I'm single again. I'm so happy.我又恢复单身了,简直爽到不行。

65、The moon will feel lonely, you and the stars are salvation.月亮会感到孤独,你和星星皆是救赎。

66、My Fuqing book is in Northern Xinjiang. When can I come back?我的符卿书在北疆,几时能回来?爱说啦

67、Even if there is no moon, the heart is bright.即使没有月亮,心中也是一片皎洁。

68、No matter how small the place is, there is always enough grass to feed it.地方再小,喂它的草总是够的。

69、Gain and loss is life. Don't be angry.有得有失,才是人生,切忌忿忿不平。

70、Xue Yang's little finger is broken. How can Yuelao pull the strings.薛洋的小指断了,月老怎么牵线呢。

71、As long as it is a living thing, even God will kill it for you to see.只要是活的东西即使是神也杀给你看。

72、My name is Qin Jiu. I'm looking for my truth.我叫秦究,我来找我的真实。

73、There is nothing in this world that we should not see.这世上没有我方应看做不到的事。

74、You're here. The weather is getting better!你来了,天气都变好了!

75、Only to the future, no return.只开往将来,没有回程。

76、If you want to have fetters, you have to bear the risk of tears.要想拥有羁绊,就要承受流泪的风险。

77、Thank you for letting me know my way back.谢谢你让我,迷途知返。

78、Even if I die, I will come back!我会回来,就算拼死也会回来!

79、Now Wei Wuxian can't forget the machine without LAN.现在的魏无羡,离开了蓝忘机就不行。

80、It is my supreme glory to die for you.为你战死,是我至高无上的荣耀。

81、My gold is only given to Chihiro.我的金子,只给千寻。

82、If you are not good at learning, you will fight with others and ask for trouble.学艺不精,便与人争斗,自讨苦吃。

83、Don't remember, because there are too many pain in the memory.不去回忆,因为回忆里太多伤痛。

84、I'm so tired of playing with water as usual.烦死了,就像平常那样玩水弄的。