1、"正义无私,公正无私。"-Justice must be impartial.
2、"每个人都有平等的权利受到法律保护。"-Everyone has the right to equal protection under the law.
3、"尊重法律,尊重人权。"-Respect the law,respect human rights.
4、"法律是公正的裁判者。"-The law is a fair judge.
5、"让正义和真相得到伸张。"-Let justice and truth prevail.
6、"不要让罪犯逍遥法外。"-Don't let criminals get away.
7、"无辜者不应受到惩罚。"-The innocent should not be punished.
8、"法律是公正的标志。"-The law is a symbol of justice.
9、"保护弱者,惩罚强者。"-Protect the weak,punish the strong.
10、"法律是社会秩序的基础。"-The law is the foundation of social order.
11、"做事要有原则,不偏不倚。"-Do things with principles,be fair and impartial.
12、"没有法律就没有秩序。"-Without law,there is no order.
13、"法律是文明的象征。"-The law is a symbol of civilization.
14、"法律是维护公共利益的工具。"-The law is a tool to protect the public interest.
15、"要保持冷静,客观,公正。"-Stay calm,objective,and impartial.
16、"坚持原则,维护公正。"-Adhere to principles,maintain justice.
17、"要守信用,不得私心。"-Keep your promises and avoid personal gain.
18、"公正无私,不受干扰。"-Impartial and not influenced by outside factors.
19、"尊重法律程序,遵守法律规定。"-Respect legal procedures and follow legal provisions.
20、"不偏袒任何一方,维护法律尊严。"-Do not favor any party and uphold the dignity of the law.
21、"尽职尽责,保持专业素养。"-Fulfill duties and maintain professional standards.
22、"努力为社会公正提供保障。"-Strive to provide security for social justice.
23、"法律的公正是社会稳定的基础。"-The fairness of the law is the foundation of social stability.
24、"依法执政,依法治国。"-Govern by law and govern the country by law.
25、"坚持人民法院独立的地位。"-Adhere to the independent status of the people's court.
26、"法律是保护人权的利器。"-The law is a tool for protecting human rights.
27、"尊重事实,不偏不倚。"-Respect facts and be fair and impartial.
28、"以事实为依据,以法律为准绳。"-Base on facts and follow the law as the guide.